The Guess Who ~ Running Back Thru Canada Live in Winnipeg (concert portal)

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The Guess Who - Running Back Thru Canada Live in Winnipeg
June 30, 2000 Canwest Global Park Winnipeg MB
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A Hometown Throwdown Live in the Heart of the Nation
by R. Dale Roth 2024-05-18

At the end of June in the summer of 2000, Canadian rock royalty, The Guess Who, stopped Running Back Thru Canada smack dab in the middle of the nation, just long enough to unleash a massive sonic super storm on the band's hometown of Winnipeg.

Under a prairie sky ablaze with the setting sun, Winnipeg's favorite sons, The Guess Who, returned to the heart of their homeland for a concert that resonated with the pride and passion of a nation. Canwest Global Park, a baseball diamond transformed into a rock 'n' roll cathedral, became the epicenter of a musical pilgrimage for fans who had followed the band's journey from local heroes to international icons.

The air crackled with anticipation as the stadium lights illuminated the stage, revealing a backdrop steeped in history: vintage amps that had witnessed countless jam sessions, a drum kit weathered by years on the road, and an unmistakable sense of homecoming. The crowd, a sea of red and white, erupted in a chorus of cheers as the band emerged, their faces beaming with the joy of playing for their hometown faithful.

From the opening chords, it was clear that this was no ordinary concert. It was a communion between a band and its people, a celebration of shared memories and a testament to the enduring power of music to connect and inspire. Burton Cummings, his voice as strong and soulful as ever, poured his heart into every lyric, his every gesture a tribute to the city that had nurtured his talent.

Original guitarist Randy Bachman, a hometown hero in his own right, unleashed a torrent of electrifying riffs, his fingers dancing across the fretboard with the ease and confidence of a seasoned veteran. The rhythm section, a well-oiled machine, provided the driving beat that propelled the music forward, while the keyboards added a touch of psychedelic magic.

As the night unfolded, The Guess Who revisited their greatest hits, each song a cherished memory brought to life. The crowd sang along with every word, their voices blending in a harmonious chorus that echoed throughout the stadium. Cummings, visibly moved by the outpouring of affection, shared anecdotes and reflections on his lifelong love affair with Winnipeg, his words resonating with the deep sense of belonging that permeated the atmosphere.

The stage setup, while simple, was imbued with a sense of history and authenticity. The lighting, a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns, transformed the stage into a living canvas, enhancing the emotional impact of each song. The sound, crisp and powerful, ensured that every note reached every corner of the stadium, creating an immersive experience that transcended the physical space.

As the concert reached its crescendo, The Guess Who unleashed a barrage of their most beloved anthems, the crowd responding with an outpouring of unbridled enthusiasm. The final encore, a heartfelt rendition of a song that has become synonymous with Canadian identity, brought tears to many eyes, a testament to the power of music to evoke deep emotions and forge lasting bonds.

The Guess Who's homecoming concert was more than just a performance; it was a celebration of the unbreakable ties that bind a band to its roots, a reminder that home is where the heart is, and that the music born from that connection has the power to transcend time and touch the souls of generations to come.

Song by song"

1. "Runnin' Back To Saskatoon": The opening chords of this prairie anthem resonated with the crowd, setting the tone for a night of hometown pride and musical nostalgia. Cummings' vocals, infused with a sense of longing and belonging, captured the essence of the Canadian experience.

2. "Rain Dance": The band's signature blend of rock and psychedelia was on full display in this swirling, hypnotic number. Bachman's guitar work, a blend of bluesy riffs and soaring solos, transported the audience to another dimension.

3. "Glamour Boy": This hard-rocking track showcased the band's raw energy and rebellious spirit. Cummings' snarling vocals and Bachman's blistering guitar solos ignited the crowd, sparking a wave of headbanging and fist-pumping.

4. "These Eyes": One of the band's most beloved ballads, this song evoked a bittersweet sense of longing and regret. Cummings' emotive vocals, accompanied by a delicate piano melody, touched the hearts of everyone in the stadium.

5. "Lookin' Out for #1": This self-affirming anthem, with its driving rhythm and catchy chorus, had the crowd singing along at the top of their lungs. The song's message of self-reliance and determination resonated with the independent spirit of the Canadian people.

6. "No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature": This medley of two classic hits showcased the band's versatility, seamlessly blending hard rock with acoustic folk. Cummings' dynamic vocals and Bachman's intricate guitar work kept the audience on the edge of their seats.

7. "Let It Ride": This bluesy rocker, with its swaggering groove and suggestive lyrics, injected a dose of raw sensuality into the set. Cummings' playful vocals and Bachman's searing guitar solos fueled the crowd's passion.

8. "Undun": This haunting ballad, with its melancholic melody and poetic lyrics, showcased the band's introspective side. Cummings' plaintive vocals, backed by a sparse arrangement, created a moment of quiet reflection.

9. "American Woman": The band's most iconic anthem, this song exploded with an energy that shook the stadium to its foundations. Cummings' defiant vocals and Bachman's iconic riff ignited a frenzy of national pride.

10. "Albert Flasher": This quirky, tongue-in-cheek number, with its playful lyrics and infectious rhythm, brought a smile to everyone's face. Cummings' mischievous vocals and the band's lighthearted performance created a moment of pure fun.

11. "Takin' Care of Business": This high-octane rocker, with its driving beat and motivational lyrics, had the crowd on their feet and singing along. The song's message of hard work and perseverance resonated with the Canadian work ethic.

12. "Laughing": This introspective ballad, with its melancholic melody and poignant lyrics, explored the darker side of human emotions. Cummings' vulnerable vocals and the band's understated performance created a moment of shared empathy.

13. "Bus Rider": This funky, groove-laden track, with its catchy chorus and danceable rhythm, injected a dose of soulful energy into the set. Cummings' playful vocals and the band's tight interplay had the crowd moving to the beat.

14. "No Time": This hard-rocking anthem, with its driving rhythm and rebellious lyrics, unleashed a wave of raw energy. Cummings' powerful vocals and Bachman's blistering guitar solos ignited the crowd's passion.

15. "Share The Land": The concert culminated with this iconic anthem, a rallying cry for unity and compassion. Cummings' heartfelt vocals and the band's soaring performance brought the crowd together in a shared moment of national pride.

Featuring: The Guess Who

Burton Cummings - lead vocals, piano, harmonica, flute, guitar
Randy Bachman - vocals, guitar
Don McDougall - vocals, guitar
Bill Wallace - bass, vocals
Garry Peterson - drums, percussion, vocals

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