Pile Of Yellow Pages Leaves Clueless Teenage Girl Utterly Confused

6 years ago

Many people think that the world is changing too fast! Especially those who were born in the previous century. But what does this really mean? Well, check out this video, and you’ll see! It’s very informative and absolutely hilarious!

This is the hilarious moment when an ignorant girl finds a phone book and is left puzzled by its appearance and purpose. She is utterly confused and stares at the pile of yellow pages with mild disbelief! What does that book serve for? You say it is useful? No way!

Nowadays, the younger generation knows everything about the latest technology. Kids from young age start using all kinds of gadgets and know how to operate all kinds of devices that can serve for talking, texting and even stalking people online. However, these smart teens are often confused and olivious when they get their hands on something from the past. That's exactly what happened to this girl.

In this clip, parents decided to film the reaction of their ignorant daughter when she was handed a yellow phone book and was asked if she knew what’s the book all about. The puzzled girl just stood there, staring at the pile of yellow pages, browsing through all those advertisements and stated with mild confusion that she had never seen one such book before. That is sad, but it is not that hard to believe! With today’s technology and Internet obsession, who needs to browse through old yellow pages to get a number!

Moments later, the confused girl started thumbing through the pages and exclaimed with pure excitement 'Oh, it's a bunch of coupons’, sending her parents in fits of laughter. Poor girl, she is missing out a lot, and doesn’t realize that the joke is actually on her!

Nowadays, children grow up in the digital era and don’t need to use a phone book anymore, that is why this ignorant girl didn’t have a clue what was the purpose of the book she held in her hand. However, we never thought that the time when people became absolutely clueless as to what a phone book is would come that soon. We're definitely living in a technologically advanced society now, and there is no going back!

This video shows a young girl who is holding some book in her hands and says that she doesn’t know what that is. Her father asks her if she has ever seen a book like this before, and she says “no!” She doesn’t know what that book is, and her patents start laughing! And in fact, she is holding nothing but an ordinary Yellow Pages book full of addresses and phone numbers! LOL! Well, that’s how fast this world is changing, and there is nothing we can do about it!

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