Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make British

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“Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make British”

Before the United States, as a direct result of its increasingly lunatic military and other policies, disappears, along with the rest of the world, in a thermonuclear mushroom cloud, patriotic but enlightened American citizens should consider a happier alternative. This nation should drop its slavish adherence to British imperialist Winston Churchill’s post-1945 influence on American foreign policy, transmitted through the treasonous influence of the late Henry Kissinger right up to the moment of his death in November, 2023.

Here’s what Kissinger had to say at the 200th anniversary of the founding of the British Foreign Office, May 10, 1982, at London’s Chatham House.

“All accounts of the Anglo-American alliance during the Second World War and in the early postwar period draw attention to the significant differences in philosophy between Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill reflecting our different national histories. America, which had never experienced a foreign threat to her survival, considered wars an historical aberration caused by evil men or institutions…Britain had seen aggression take too many forms to risk so personal a view of history…The dispute was resolved according to American preferences—in my view, to the detriment of postwar security.…Fortunately, Britain had a decisive influence over America’s rapid awakening to maturity in the years following.“

The “years following” have been dominated by Kissinger’s British-influenced view, from his 1950s {Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy}which espoused the “Mutual Assured Destruction” strategy—MAD—to his opposition to a Palestinian state, discussed by him just weeks before his death in November of last year. Today’s Manhattan Meeting will discuss how Lyndon LaRouche’s approach to foreign policy, rooted in a different idea of humanity, of America, and of the Classical principles of statecraft first clearly enunciated by the poets and inventors of Greek tragedy, can still, even at this late date, return the United States, and even Britain, to a semblance of sanity, before all is lost.

SPEAKERS: Harley Schlanger, Gerry Rose

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