Numerous Organizations and Personnel in the U.S. Receive Directives From the CCP

10 months ago

05/17/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: Regardless of whether more middle-aged CCP national males have recently surged across the border into the United States, there are already numerous organizations directly receiving instructions from the CCP operating in the US. These organizations have been functioning in places like Flushing and Chinatown without exposing themselves to the US government. The presence of a large number of CCP members already in the US is the real issue.
05/17/2024 Aila做客Grant Stinchfield Show:无论最近是否有更多中年的中共国男性通过边境涌入美国,美国已经有大量直接接受中共指令的组织存在了。这些组织一直在像法拉盛和唐人街这样的地方运作,却没有向美国政府暴露自己。大量的中共成员已经在美国了,这才是问题所在。

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