Episode 2146: Doing God's Will Meekness and Truth

21 days ago

We explore the timeless wisdom of the Catholic faith and how it guides us in our daily lives we delve into the themes of obedience, meekness, and truth through the insights of St. Teresa of Avila, Matt Fradd, and the Gospel of John. These quotes will help us understand our purpose in life, the challenges of anger, and the profound declaration of Jesus' kingship and mission. Let's begin our journey.
Obedience to God's Will
"In this life our lot is not to enjoy God, but to do his holy will." — St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila, a prominent mystic and Doctor of the Church, emphasizes the primacy of obedience to God's will over the pursuit of spiritual ecstasies or personal enjoyment. Her quote reminds us that our earthly journey is about aligning our actions with God's divine plan. This perspective shifts our focus from seeking personal comfort to embracing the mission God has entrusted to us, often involving sacrifices and trials.
In our daily lives, we often seek comfort and pleasure, mistaking them for the ultimate goals of our existence. St. Teresa reminds us that true fulfillment lies in doing God's will. This may mean embracing tasks we find challenging or offering up our sufferings for a greater purpose. How can we better discern and embrace God's will in our lives?
The Challenge of Anger and the Call to Meekness
"Most persons have temptations to anger. There is hardly anyone who does not at times become peevish, irritable, or impatient; and these are the beginning of more serious faults. Now we all know the harm and very serious results of anger. There is no example that makes clearer its ruinous effects than the Crucifixion of Our Lord...We have also seen how anger has brought families into discord and even permanent separation. We have read how nations have been led to war. The surprising fact is that though each and every one has had brought to his attention the fruits of anger—the sufferings, the discord, the unhappiness—still there is much that could be sought by most persons in regard to meekness and something of meekness that could be sought by everybody." — Matt Fradd
Matt Fradd, a contemporary Catholic speaker, addresses the universal struggle with anger. He underscores how anger, when unchecked, can lead to grave consequences, using the Crucifixion of Christ as the ultimate example of its destructive power. Fradd points out that despite the evident harm anger causes, there is a widespread need for greater meekness in our lives.
Anger is a natural emotion, but it becomes sinful when it leads us to harm others or disrupts our peace. Fradd's words challenge us to cultivate meekness, following Christ's example. Meekness is not weakness; it is strength under control, allowing us to respond to provocation with patience and charity. How can we practice meekness in our interactions, especially when we feel wronged?
Jesus' Kingship and Mission of Truth
"So Pilate said to him, 'Then you are a king?' Jesus answered, 'You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.'" — John 18:37
In this exchange between Pilate and Jesus, recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus affirms His kingship but clarifies that His kingdom is not of this world. His mission is to testify to the truth, and those who seek the truth recognize His voice. This highlights the importance of truth in our faith and the recognition of Jesus as the ultimate source of truth.
As Catholics, we are called to seek and uphold the truth in all aspects of our lives. Jesus’ declaration challenges us to listen to His voice and follow His teachings faithfully. In a world where truth is often relative, we must anchor ourselves in the absolute truth of Christ's words and example. Are we attentive to Jesus’ voice, and do we live in a way that testifies to the truth He proclaimed?
Thank you for joining us on this episode Today, we explored the call to obedience through St. Teresa of Avila, the challenge of overcoming anger with meekness as discussed by Matt Fradd, and the profound mission of truth articulated by Jesus in the Gospel of John. Let us strive to live out these virtues in our daily lives, seeking to do God's will, practicing meekness, and upholding the truth. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you in His grace. Now go out and convert somebody.

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