Mass Vaccination and the POISONING of the population

9 months ago

Boston Scientist and analyst, John Beaudien Sr has accessed key data in the Boston/Massachusetts area. This data confirms what many of has suspected all along, that people are not dying of Covid, they are dying from the jabs.

During 2020 many of the excess deaths were coded as respiratory deaths.

Using the coding system that was given to people who died, the data shows that since the shots began in 2021, respiaratory deaths dropped, and "circulatory/blood" excess deaths rose dramatacilally.

Since 2021, many of the deaths have been reported as covid deaths in the media.. It is however, now confirmed that the real reason for most of the excess deaths, is people having their blood poisoned by toxic particles in the covid jabs.

Although the jury is still out about the virus in 2020, there was never a Covid Pandemic in 2021. In reality it was a Pandemic of the vaccinated who have been poisoned by the bioweapons. There is zero evidence of Long Covid despite the persistent attempts by big Pharma shills to promulgate that lie.

There is however, clear evidence these jabs are poison and killing people.

There are thousands upon thousands of examples to prove it.
Here I present just a few.

Special thanks to Covid BC( Telegram) and Hello Dave(Twitter) for their tireless and amazing work.

Mirrored - TruthseekerNews1984

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