Urgent Operation to Save the Children of Gaza

4 months ago

Greetings World.

We are Anonymous.

In more seriously disturbing news.

For the past 7 months, the children in Gaza are being tortured, abused, and murdered, by the orders of a mad-man dictator called Benjamin the butcher. They have lost homes, loved ones, the safety to which they have a right, and in many cases, their lyves.

The children in Gaza are being killed by bombs and bullets, at an unprecedented rate. They are also dying from hunger and disease, at the fastest pace ever recorded in history.

Almost every child who has managed to survive these past months, are now in the line of fire in Rafah. The majority of the displaced population, more than 1 point 3 million people, including over 600 thousand children, are trapped in an area of just 62 sq km.

The terrorists Israeli forces have now issued orders demanding civilians in parts of Rafah, to flee towards a so-called humanitarian zone in Al-Mawasi, which is reportedly being expanded.

This area, is not a humanitarian zone, it is unsafe, it does not have any infrastructure, or services needed to protect civilians. Families in Rafah have nowhere safe to go.

For the children who survive the bombs and ground operations, many of them will die from famine, dehydration, and disease, if humanitarian aid continues to be weaponised. Many will also suffer from serious longer-term mental health impacts.

The children in Gaza are at imminent risk of famine. Families are struggling to find any type of food and water, with children already dying because of malnutrition and disease. The situation has never been more desperate.

If we as humanity do not act now, history will judge us all. We are calling the international community to demand a definitive and permanent ceasefire now.

We are very worried and concern for the children.

Children and families in Gaza have been cut off from food, water, medicine, and other essentials, even hospitals. And with borders closed, and movement limited, there is nowhere safe for them to go.

Innocent civilians must be protected, especially the children, and all efforts must be made in order to spare them in all circumstances. It is a horrible, and terrible situation for the people who live there. It is just all in all, a catastrophic situation, and very, very worrying for all of us to witness.

Fuel reserves are running out, jeopardizing whatever is left of medical care, and the ability of humanitarian workers to reach those in need. Hospitals that are still functioning, have been relying on generators to keep vital services operating. The incubators that are keeping babies alive right now depend on fuel. At some point, it will definitely run out, and we can just imagine what will happen to those children. It is just a terrible, terrible situation for them. Sustained humanitarian access is essential to meet the urgent needs of children that are trapped in Gaza.

Innocent civilians should not have to suffer, we need to find every possible means to protect them, and that means making sure that they have food and water, that they have access to health care. We think that is an obligation for all of us.

We believe, that all of us, as an international community, have to come together, and figure out a way to stop this tyrannical dictator from Israel.

Children are at heightened risk of loss of life, physical harm, severe emotional distress, and protracted displacement following the announced expanded ground operations by the terrorists Israeli forces.

Children will bear the brunt of the intensification of attacks in Gaza, with more deaths, injuries and distress. We are calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire.

While the scale and nature of this genocidal operation remain unclear, the event of a full illegal ground incursion, more than one million children’s lyves, nearly half of the 2 point 3 million population of Gaza, are on the line. This includes an unknown number of children hostages taken from Israel and are put into torture camps .

This is pure horror for all children and their parents. Across the Gaza Strip, children are trapped, with no safe place to go and no route to safety. With communications down, children are cut-off from the world, more isolated than ever before. They are unable to speak to loved ones, or even able to call for help.

The Gaza Strip is a small, densely populated urban environment, with no way out.

We are Anonymous.

We are The Collective.

We do not Forgive.

We do not Forget.

To the corrupt corporate paid united states government, because of your ignorant ways, especially allowing Israel to indiscriminately bomb the innocent people of Gaza, Rafah, and the indigenous people that are Palestinian, by vetoing the ceasefire 4 times in a row in the united nations, the deaths of the innocent children, are very much in your hands. We declare that the corrupt corporate paid united states government are no longer fit to help any country, period.

To all great countries of our planet, please find any possible way to stop this dictator from Israel before he eradicates the innocent people in Gaza, Rafah, and the innocent children of Palestine.

Please. We are calling on all of the international community to help them.

#Palestine, #Rafah, #Gaza, #Anonymous, #Genocide


Palestine, Rafah, Gaza, Anonymous, Genocide

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