Article 4825 Video - International Public Notice: Grey Hats and Nails By Anna Von Reitz

21 days ago

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Article 4825 Video - International Public Notice: Grey Hats and Nails - Friday, May 17, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We don't believe in White Hats. If real White Hats existed and were in control, certain things would be happening that aren't happening, and other things that are happening, wouldn't be happening.

Gaza would not be happening. Ukraine would not be happening.

If there were White Hats and they were in control, massive aid and assistance of all kinds would be in Gaza already. The rogue "State of Israel, Inc." would be minding its own business and not trying to steal oil. The whole situation in Ukraine would be different, too.

All the proxy aid and influx of unwilling conscripts from Africa being sent to Zelensky would be ended. The clean up of all the destruction and recovery assistance for the people of Ukraine would be underway along with open discussions with Russia.

The twenty Colonialist "wars" in Africa wouldn't exist.

Instead of people passing around lists of famous museums and dams and megaliths slated for destruction as "Satanic" sites, there would be no such planned demonstration of the newest mega weapon from space, and nobody would be calling this new weapons system "the Rods of God".

God has nothing to do with that technology.

Nobody in their right mind would propose blowing up the Three Gorges Dam or Hoover Dam, either one, without a whole lot of preparatory work to safely drain down the reservoirs and divert the water flow and replace the electricity being generated by these gigantic pieces of infrastructure.

Besides which, how does a dam rate as a religious symbol? A Satanic dam? A Satanic museum? Really?

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