15 days ago

Music Created By: BankerCatKatz- Creatures of Statutes © Copyrighted
Step right up to the "BBQ Party" where preachers serve up a special dish called "Sin's Gospel: Nullifying the Law." It's a recipe straight from the "Abyss of Deceit," where they toss out God's commandments like yesterday's leftovers. As they dance around the flames, preaching freedom from the law, they forget that "1John.3-Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law." In the end, they're left with nothing but the "Ashes of the Faithful," as their teachings go up in smoke.
[25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

"Judges as creatures of statute" refers to the principle that judges derive their authority and jurisdiction from statutory law rather than inherent powers. They are bound by laws enacted by legislatures and must interpret and apply these laws in their decisions. In essence, their authority is defined and limited by the statutes enacted by the legislative branch of government.
[25] And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
[142] Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth.

A covenant broke, with vice embraced, their faith's decayed
For every word of sacred script, they've led astray
[Verse 1]
With gilded tongues, they lead the flock, led them astray
Ignoring the eternal lock, they'll rue the day
As sermons preached on love's bygone, in ash it lay
For in their sins, they wear the chains, now led away
Whispered prayers in hollowed halls, once sacred ground
Idle words from tongues of those, whom faith unbound
Tales they spun, of grace alone, no deeds need weigh
But empty are the promises of Judgment Day
They built their heaven, ignored the signs
Forgot the law, divine confines
In depths below, where flames ignite, I feel the burn
The lessons preached, now lead to pain, in fire swirled
Denouncing creeds, they thought they knew, the tables turned
Now in the blaze, where truth's rebuked, their fate's unfurled
The pious men, with hearts so cold
Embrace the lies, for fear's stronghold
No mercy cries, in these depths, can reach the throne
For every soul that led astray, must now atone
[Verse 2]
They preached release, from sacred bonds, so laws they bend
In their deceit, the truth's effaced, but all things end
With torches lit, the path they walk, to depths descend
With blinders on, they sought the lies, and met their end
Voices wail, in the inferno's embrace, they scream and cry
Each flame a reminder, of every foul lie
No sanctuary found, in the ashes they lie
For the words they professed, now their souls can't deny
They burn, they burn, for the laws they decried
Where sin is the master, their fate's justified

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