Will Trump pick another Deep Stater – Israel Shill for VP? Shots Fired – Deanna Lorrain

20 days ago

*Also: Australia chooses Digital ID. Coming to USA soon.

Trump needs to choose someone who is NOT a politician and someone who will not cave into bribes and corruption.

Most believe Kristi Noem is the best choice. NO!

Watch this before you make any decision on that one → Trent Loos – Is Kristi Noem Everything we Think? Another Self-Dealing Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? -- https://rumble.com/v4sxkqi-is-kristi-noem-everything-we-think-another-self-dealing-wolf-in-sheeps-clot.html

Most people believe that we should support Israel.

People just don’t know what’s going on.

Trump said he would bomb the hell out of Iran for Israel and I’m sure he would put his full support for the Anti-Christian, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Trump’s son-law, Jared Kushner said “Gaza could be a Valuable Waterfront Property” so I’m sure Trump would never go against his Jew son-in-law and one of his good friends, Bibi.

Trump – Senior Foreign Advisor – Jared Kushner – “Gaza Could be a Valuable Waterfront Property” -- https://rumble.com/v4myf7l-trump-senior-foreign-advisor-jared-kushner-gaza-could-be-a-valuable-waterfr.html

I’m sorry to say this, again. But there is no politician going to save us from the One World Order, they all are in on it. Not just here in the US, but all the top leaders of the world.

Trump’s daughter, Ivanka is a Global Young Leader – straight out of the school of Klaus Schwab. Are people even aware of this?

***Global Young Leaders List– School of Klaus Schwab – “GRADUATE LIST” 1995 – 2022 – Charlie Robinson -- https://rumble.com/v48cljo-global-young-leaders-list-school-of-klaus-schwab-graduate-list-1993-2022-ch.html

Trump played the good guy role for 3 years, so he could make all those Vaccine Related Executive Orders preparing the USA for mRNA, the Prep Act and the Cares Act and of course the 5G rollout during the mass lockdowns and vaccinations.

People loved what he did his first 3 years, which really wasn’t anything but talk, but the gas prices were down, inflation was stable and interest rates were still decent, this conditioned people to look the other way when he did all his inhumane crap but yet talked like every decision he was making was for the best of Americans.

Bullshit it was.

Covid and 5G = Death & Chronic Illnesses down the road.

The EO’s that allowed mRNA and the other ones that gave the FDA and Big Pharma permission to approve NON-TESTED, EXPERIMENTAL Vaccines.

***TRUMP - EXECUTIVE ORDER 13887 – The Executive Order that Grants Genocide on Americans -- https://rumble.com/v4mmaoe-trump-executive-order-13887-the-executive-order-that-grants-genocide-on-ame.html

Trump went right along with all the other Criminal Leaders of the World during the Lockdowns when he had his press conference to convince people that the 5G rollout was necessary as we had to “beat China.”

Then Trump and his good friend and Florida neighbor, Bill Gates would not allow 5G close to their residences.

Trump and Bill Gates Do Not allow 5G Near Their Homes -- https://rumble.com/v45izoi-trump-and-bill-gates-do-not-allow-5g-near-their-homes.html

Trump took money away from the WHO – BUT he gave this money to Bill Gates and GAVI. Guess who funds over 80% of all funding the WHO receives?


Are people aware of these shady dealings?

Trump calls himself the Father of Vaccines -- “I guess in a certain way, I’m the FATHER of the Vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle. Fauci said it would take 3 to 5 years. I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before. It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, it’s something that works” —
Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
NO, he wasn’t talking about Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. Please.
EXPOSING TRUMP: “The First Jewish President of the United States” & “Father of the Vaccines” -- https://rumble.com/v4mkdff-exposing-trump-the-first-jewish-president-of-the-united-states-and-father-o.html

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is
really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J
Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th

Trump is a career Cabal Criminal who is RELATED to that women he said he was going to “Lock Up.”

Trump IS the Swamp and when he says he is going to drain the swamp, he is referring to us.

Trump was SELECTED by the Deep State Cabal. Then they narrow it down to two candidates to make it appear we ELECT a president.

No we don’t.

We need to collectively wake up!

Source: Stew Peters Network -- https://rumble.com/v4vnsz3-will-trump-pick-another-deep-state-israel-shilling-vp-plus-gay-toilet-licki.html


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Thank You!!

END. 5/17/2024 – 6:00 PM

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