Another birthday and solidarity concert for Reiner V . V . MCMLVIII

21 days ago

In memory of all political prisoners of this and past times!
Happy belated birthday Reiner! Freedom for Reiner Füllmich!
Streamed on:
May 5, 2024
Bittel TV
Birthday Reiner Fuellmich
Reiner Fuellmich
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The Ting Tings - Shut Up and Let Me Go

Shut up and let me go
This hurts, I tell you so
For the last time you will kiss my lips
Now shut up and let me go!

Your jeans were once so clean, I bet you changed your wardrobe since we met
Now oh so easily your over me
Gone is love

It's you that ought to be holding me
I'm not containable
This turns up it's not sustainable.
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
Shut up and let me go, hey!

Shut up and let me go
This hurts, what I can't show
For the last time you had me in bits
Now shut up and let me go
For fear of living in regret I changed this one when we first met
Now oh so easily your over me
Gone is love
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Maid Of Orleans
If Joan of Arc
Had a heart
Would she give it as a gift?
To such as me
Who longs to see
How an angel ought to be
Her dream′s to give
Her heart away
Like an orphan on a wave
She cared so much
She offered up
Her body to the grave
Writer(s): Andrew Mc Cluskey Lyrics powered by
Wenn Joan of Arc ein Herz hätte,
würde sie es verschenken?

An jemanden wie mich,
der sich danach sehnt
zu erkennen, wie ein Engel wirklich sein sollte?

Sie träumt davon
ihr Herz zu verschenken,
wie ein Waisenkind auf einer Welle

Sie kümmerte sich so sehr,
sie opferte sich selbst auf bis ins Grab

Thanks for your attention!

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