30 Questions & 30 Answers

9 months ago

In this video I answer 30 frequently asked questions. For some unknown reason 26. 27. and 28. Did not get listed. My slide got delete? Very Strange

1. What is the NEW WORLD ORDER?
2. What is MRNA Gene Therapy?
3. What is the MUDFLOOD?
4. What are MUDFOSSILS?
6. What is or was EPSTEIN ISLAND?
8. What are DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases?
9. What are CHEM-TRAILS?
10. What Project Blue-Beam?
11. What are U.F.Os?
12. What was the Old World?
13. What is The Great Reset?
14. What is BLACK GOO?
15. What is Q or Qanon?
16. What is The Bohemian Grove?
17. What is ZIONISM? Who are the ZIONIST?
18. What is FLAT EARTH?
19. What was the Greota Treaty?
20. What is Maritime Admiralty Law?
21. What is PIZZAGATE?
22. What is The Great Awakening?
23. What is the MARBURG VIRUS?
24. What is 5G?
25. What are the LIZARD PEOPLE
Missing 26. 27. and 28. ?
29. What is the Synagogue of Satan
30. What does the All Seeing Eye Represent

For some reason 26. 27. and 28. got removed??? I don't know why??
But I'm sure I will add them in a part two...

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