X22 Report-3355-Climate Predictions Never True-People Know DS Illusion Exposed-New Batter-Ad Free!

21 days ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3355a - Climate Predictions Have Never Come True, The People Know, Watch The Market

The climate hoax has fallen apart, the [CB]/[WEF] already know this but they must continue pushing it on the people, the more the push the worse it gets. Their prediction have been wrong every single time. Watch the market, we are closing in on 40k, who will take ownership?
Ep 3355b-[DS] Illusion Exposed,We Have Reached Our Cruising Altitude Of 40,000ft,Truth Is Inevitable

The [DS] illusion has now been exposed. The people know that they do not represent the the people. The people know that they do not care about democracy and especially the republic. We have now reached our cruising altitude, prepare for the landing, it might get bumpy. Trump is showing the people the way forward, showing the people how to fight for freedom, the more people see him fighting the more the people will go to his side. 
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