The Plan to Save the World

9 months ago

A video created by Joe M (one of the best anons of the time) summarizing the Q movement and what it is about.

Over the years the media and bad actors delegitimized and created false narratives and caricatures and twisting what Q said vs what those in the community said. Everyone has an opinion and theory but what Q posted wasn’t theory, however the public had no idea about either so the bad actors took what was posted and created a strawman. Even Netflix got involved to create the opinion that anons are whack jobs by interviewing a handful of low informed people who misrepresented the Q posts and mixed in their own theories but I don’t fault them.

As we have seen the years slip away to totalitarianism and the uprising of patriotism begin to take fire, going back over the Q posts is like a road map to where we are today. “Future Proves Past”.

This was a common statement Q posted. To many of us, we expected the future would have been within Trump’s second term but when the election was stolen, I think many of us realized this was going to be a rough road ahead and it sure has.

I’m bringing these videos back into the ether because with new eyes comes the search for answers and/or confirmations. Q is still relevant and I look forward to its return. I will be posting all of Joe M’s videos in order to have yet another place to find them. #wwg1wga[ww]

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