Episode 2143: Walking in Faith

20 days ago

Today, we will delve into the spiritual insights of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, and the Psalms. Our episode, "Walking in Faith: A Journey Through Pain, Love, and Divine Law," will reflect on how faith begins within us, the redemptive nature of suffering, and the blessedness of living in accordance with God's law.
Faith as the Beginning of Eternal Life
"Faith is a habit of the mind whereby eternal life is begun in us, making the intellect assent to what is non-apparent." - St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas, in his Summa Theologica, presents faith as an intellectual virtue. According to Aquinas, faith is not merely an emotional feeling but a habit of the mind that initiates the journey towards eternal life. It involves the intellect assenting to truths that are not immediately visible or apparent. This definition highlights the role of faith in bridging the gap between the seen and the unseen, grounding our belief in the divine mysteries that transcend human understanding.
From a traditional Catholic perspective, this understanding of faith underscores the importance of cultivating an intellectual assent to the truths of the Church. Faith, therefore, is not blind but enlightened by grace, leading us to embrace the doctrines of the Church even when they surpass our natural reasoning. This segment will explore how we can nurture this habit of faith in our daily lives through prayer, study, and the sacraments.

The Redemptive Value of Suffering
“Very pleasing to Me, dearest daughter, is the willing desire to bear every pain and fatigue, even unto death, for the salvation of souls, for the more the soul endures, the more she shows that she loves Me; loving Me she comes to know more of My truth, and the more she knows, the more pain and intolerable grief she feels at the offenses committed against me.” - God to St. Catherine of Siena in the book, Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
In the Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena, God reveals to her the profound connection between suffering and love. The willingness to endure pain for the salvation of souls is highly pleasing to God, as it demonstrates a deep love for Him and for others. This sacrificial love leads to a greater knowledge of divine truth, which in turn heightens the soul's sensitivity to the sins committed against God.
The traditional Catholic view sees suffering as a means of participating in Christ's redemptive work. This perspective encourages us to embrace our trials with a spirit of sacrifice and love, offering them for the salvation of souls.

The Blessedness of Living According to God's Law
"Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!" Psalm 119:1-3
Psalm 119 is a profound meditation on the beauty and importance of God's law. The psalmist extols the blessedness of those who live blamelessly, walking according to the divine commandments. Keeping God's testimonies and seeking Him wholeheartedly leads to a life of righteousness and integrity.
In traditional Catholicism, adherence to God's law is seen as the path to true happiness and fulfillment. This segment will discuss how living in accordance with the commandments and the teaching’s of the Church brings peace and joy. We will explore practical ways to align our lives with God's law, emphasizing the importance of regular confession, spiritual direction, and a deep commitment to following Christ's example.
As we conclude today's episode, let us remember that faith, suffering, and obedience to God's law are deeply interconnected in our spiritual journey. By cultivating a habit of faith, embracing our sufferings, and living according to God's commandments, we draw closer to the heart of God and find true peace and blessedness. Thank you for joining and May God bless you and keep you in His grace. Now go out and convert somebody!
Closing Prayer:
Heavenly Father, grant us the grace to grow in faith, to endure our sufferings with love, and to walk blamelessly in Your law. May the examples of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, and the psalmist inspire us to seek You with our whole hearts. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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