Sen. Chuck Grassley: US Should Get Communist China Out of the World Trade Organization

21 days ago

05/15/2024 Sen. Chuck Grassley on Fox Business: The United States has fallen behind in the trade war with Communist China by 10 years. The CCP has been stealing our intellectual property and trade secrets. They make American companies do business the way they want. We should get them out of the World Trade Organization because the CCP is not following international trade rules.
05/15/2024 参议员查克·格拉斯利上福克斯商业新闻电视台:美国在与中共国的贸易战方面已经滞后10年了。中共一直在窃取我们的知识产权和商业机密。中共让美国公司按照他们想要的方式做生意。我们应该将他们赶出世界贸易组织,因为中共没有遵守国际贸易规则。

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