2 rocks by the coral reefs under go testing/ DARK VERSE LIGHT! (Star wars)Earthquake will be a 10 this time!Cat scale

1 month ago

This video is for entertainment purposes only energy can extend out two weeks to two months! if it happens it happens!
polar bears in Antartica
new moon (june 6 2024) Full ai technology....last one may 2024
prograde rotation... counter clockwise.....
Focus in on God mission
speeding up...back on track
permeability..... the in between spaces of water
2 rocks (doubles)
next to the coral reef a rock will undergo testing
nickel and iron
core of earth, core of the sun, mantle
sun and moon at its core
contour line....connecting the dots of elevation....something is growing
plate tectonic theory.......plates of continents are shifting one after the other
rising out of water making room for something moving in!
pangaea....when landmass of continents were all one
felsic... light colored rocks
dark vs light (star wars)
Richter scale....(cat)ostrophic
Continental drift!
alluvial.....All you vial(vowel) fan (gravity/ motion sickness/stay grounded/valley filling back up
dome mountain...eroded mountain... thats been way under earth surface in water..
Continental crust.... composes the continents!
acid rain.... rain with more acid than normal causing chemical weathering
extinct volcano....noahs ark
laurasia northern continental land mass
Chloroflu........flu real soon for some people....chlorox/bleach?scent
depletion of the body!
chemical weathering......
more rain coming in!
cold summer....

really windy weather.......

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