why get a smartphone when i could just get a bottle of vodka

20 days ago

that's thelonious (mini cooper)
my tire guy looks just like gogol bordello
phone culture is due to homogenization
if everyone is doing sumin detrimental to their well-being it's not really frowned upon
it's way easier to have a drinking problem in a bar
can you tell i have schizophrenia? the camera won't stop rockin back n forth
smartphones are so boring, i don't get it
if it was futile i wouldn't even make art
if your life is shit, it is up to YOU to correct it
you have one life n this _____ is what you do every day
they use extreme terminology so that people dutifully take their meds
people that complain about depression are fuckin pansies
instant gratification doesn't make sense overall
i'm doin this channel for MY freaks not for the general public
women. homosexual men. "autistic" dudes that wanna have sex w/ me for reasons that i don't agree with
they try to control you since they can't control themselves
i'd write a book if i was motivated
before i started doin comedy i was writing a screenplay about mental illness, this channel is essentially a living documentary
one step on stage changed my life
happy stuff never inspired comedy
comedy is a defense so...
boomer mentality everywhere
boomers don't think rap is music, i mean most of it is crap but that doesn't make it any less of an art form
beethoven had haters, i'm sure of it
art should not be competitive, that's what capitalism is for
twenty different ways to say the same shit
i'll take em any way they come

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