Addy Adds Discovers a CIA Operation and Escapes from Brazil

21 days ago

American journalist, Addy Adds, was sent on an assignment to the capital of Brazil to cover the protests. The 2022 election was mirrored with the 2020 American election as there were calls of fraud and election integrity tampering. The National File sent Addy down to embed him in the chaos for stories. When he arrived he noticed that something was off about the people he was speaking with and he felt uncomfortable. He was told people were watching his phone, and in some cases, spoken in code to test to see if he was an intelligence agent. 
He began reflecting back on his journey to Brazil and realized that he was likely surrounded by American intelligence agents, perhaps even the CIA. He believed they were upset with his presence because he was not agreeing to be controlled to tell stories they wanted. His new book "Escape from Brazil: Spooks in the Grass" is now available on Amazon. He joins America Emboldened to tell his story and answer our questions about his experiences.
Follow Addy @OneAddyAdds on X.

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