How to wake up...(after you dream) ☕

7 months ago

So, when you're waking up and you're in that kind of in between phase, God will a lot of times speak to us that place. And so be sensitive to what you hear and the impressions that you have in that place. But this is why, again, I put my phone on airplane mode. I shut all the apps off. So when I finally do say, okay, I'm up, first thing I do is I reach over, I grab my phone, I can begin typing without any level of distraction for what are my appointments? What are the calls I got to make? What do I got to do? What is my calendar? And then all these barrage of messages that come in. if you're really wanting to understand how do I interpret dreams? What does it look like? How do I write a report where I put that stuff together or put together the Joseph method? Then you really need to be part of the spiritual intelligence mentorship. You can go to and look at courses, you can go to

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