What to do to mitigate this synthetic nanoparticle?

7 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Alex Jones: What do people do to mitigate these synthetic nanoparticle colonies that are growing in our tissues?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Nutrify! No more GMOs! Cardio Miracle is the living water, the foundation for all things COVID! Those are the three key pathways. Our God protects us with pathways! We have redundant pathways. Feed your immune system. Get the 5G, cut those towers down, regenerate our soil, regenerate our waters! No more profits, no more patents! End the Bayh-Dole Act right now. Pay every single human being in the United States of America, the millions of dollars of those patent royalties.

Cardio Miracle: https://tinyurl.com/CardioMiracleDrJSolution

INFOWARS - 05/11/2024
Full interview: https://banned.video/watch?id=663fd04078899f2dda4d946c

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