
21 days ago

Bike ride 50+ miles each of 2 days.

Collaborative non-conformist. Anti-alienation advocate.


Y'all Ain't Seen Nut'n Yet !🤠

From recent "blessing of the bikes" :

May the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life be with you all.

Lord, since the energy and light, the ancients saw Your Providence through great wheels of fire rolling across the sky; those circles of light our ancestors learned to trust in Your reliable and sustaining Providence; You gave us the ingenuity for science, for generations we have adapted the wheel to sustain us, and our creativity especially for means of transportation, for travelers and to seek out a world beyond ourselves;

So we gather today to ask for Your blessing on our travels, before we ask for our needs, we take stock of what we have; so before anything we may pray for, we give thanks; we can ride, today is ours to ride, but our family friends and neighbors can join us, we are truly mindful of what we have and that all good things come from You.

If we should ask, let us ask for what cannot be bought or sold; in appreciation of nature’s beauty, deep breaths of fresh air, clearing our minds, and a gentle tread upon our path on earth; these are the blessings we ask, we especially invoke Your constancy and care on behalf of those who use bicycles to commute each day, for exercise, for work and for pleasure;

We pray this as a pool of people always yearning for You as our ultimate destination, in Jesus name Amen

This is a reading from the book of the prophet Ezequiel.

[In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day,]
as I was among the exiles by the river Kebar, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.

As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces.
16 This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz [, and all four looked alike.] Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel.
17 As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went.
18 Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.
19 When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose.
20 Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because they also moved. [the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
21 When the creatures moved, they also moved;] when the creatures stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

The word of the Lord.

Reading from Ezekiel, we hear about wheels that roll strong and true without fearing and being directed by the Spirit following Jesus, you know sometimes can resemble a tandem bicycle, a bicycle built for two, we live to ride with Jesus and we enjoy having Jesus along with the ride;

we expect Jesus to have our back and be ready to pedal hard when we tire out or when we’re facing a hill that’s too steep to climb in our lives; so often it’s only when we’re facing a hill too steep to climb alone, or this strenuous force that forces us off our bike, that we volunteer to let Jesus take over the steering in our lives, otherwise we prefer to stay in the front seat to do the steering, even when we steer over rocky road like we might hit today or into a ditch, hopefully not, or worse, too seldom do we see the wisdom of switching seats with Jesus;

we plead and demand on, "pedal harder, pedal harder," and there’s steep slopes and scary places in our lives; how often we fall off and lose our way; of course each time we surrender the front seat to Jesus, we marvel at his ease of maneuvering our lives clear of treacherous corners and hidden obstacles; how much easier would it be if we always let the Lord actually steer our lives;

Let us join together in prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ who is the way for us to reach our eternal homeland. Our response will be Lord hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, You became one of us, willed to live like us, grant that with You always at our side we may ride gladly along the paths of your love, we pray. Lord hear our prayer

Lord God, You blessed the prophet Ezekiel by taking him to heaven in a fiery chariot; bless us with Your love as we behold the beauty of Your world on these two wheeled machines, we pray.

Lord Jesus, You calm the winds when Your disciples were trembling on the lake; calm the winds of disruption in our lives and put the wind of Your Holy Spirit at our backs to help us on our journeys, we pray

We live in communities filled with children. we pray for those learning to ride; keep them smart safe and visible on their neighborhood roads, we pray

For all those who create safe riding paths, for those who build and repair our bicycles, for those who are patient with us on the road, and for those who are impatient, for those who are willing to share the road with others, and for all those who cycle.

Lord Jesus our Brother, You gave us to your Mother to be her children; through the intercession of Our Lady of Ghisallo, patroness of bicyclists, make our journey safe so that someday we may see You and ever rejoice with You, we pray to the Lord.

Lord God, You are our protector and source of all blessings, we ask for Your blessing on these bicycles and their operators; many of our bicycles have risen from the dead much like Yourself, bless these our bikes, as we spew forth their chains, protect and shield our tires from flats, save our thighs from the unquenchable fire on the hills of western Pennsylvania, and though we are not worthy in your Mercy, protect us from undue headwinds; our spinning wheels remind us of the infinite quality of Your eternal presence, for these vehicles keep our minds aloof and our bodies strong; where they provide for our own needs and encourage us to care for others, but to remind us of the infinite vistas and adventures in a miraculous world that You’ve created for us; most of all Lord, never let us doubt your protective presence in our lives, You are the ultimate destiny of all our journeys, let these vehicles get us to every destination safely, and always be a reminder to us of Your constant care, which is just as certain as a wheel rolls down a hill.

We pray this through our Lord Jesus Christ, the wind of the Holy Spirit God forever and ever, Amen; may the Lord bless you all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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