Why I Like Mike (Lindell)!

8 months ago

My name is Kelly John Walker and I recently joined the Lindell Offense Fund (LOF) as Communications Director.

After my first trip with Mike in late April, I’m thrilled to share a couple of “behind the scenes” clips of Mike Lindell and the tireless work he does.

Mike cares deeply about people: I’ve personally seen him stand in a sweltering tent and give of his time to hundreds of people lined up for photos, hugs, and autographs. I’ve seen other personalities come into events like that surrounded by an entourage whose job it is to keep people away. Not Mike. You’ll find him among us “non-famous” people!

Mike isn’t doing this for himself, he’s doing it to save America: Believe me, I know who is in this for fame and fortune, rather than love of country; Mike isn’t one of them. I’ve come to learn that serving our country in this fight has not only cost Mike millions of dollars to build FrankSpeech, LOF, and numerous programs, but also made him a target for costly frivolous lawsuits, boycotts, and corporate cancellations.

Mike works harder than anyone: I can tell you I’ve never seen anyone who works harder than Mike! Check out his energy and enthusiasm in these clips I took from our trip during two back-to-back 18-hour days at a recent Las Vegas elections Round Table event. Yep, he’s like that all the time. He doesn’t put on airs.

Mike is a true follower of Christ: When Jesus walked the earth, He always spoke truth, even when it enraged those in power and imperiled His safety and His life. He loved the oppressed even while telling them to straighten up and fly right; He stood up to wicked authorities without being violent or falling into their entrapment schemes. Mike loves our country, its people, and our God fiercely but tenderly. Like G.K. Chesterton said, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

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