Edwin Brant Frost IV on Georgia House Speaker David Edmund Ralston 04/27/24

9 months ago

“And, and it’s easy to be a keyboard warrior. Going into battle and having bullets flying at you and not ducking — that’s where the rubber meets the road. We have endorsed candidate after candidate after candidate in this group and they’ve gone to Atlanta and they roll over and wet themselves when [Georgia House Speaker] David Ralston barked at them and we won’t support them anymore because they turned into cowards.”

Edwin Brant Frost IV addresses the Georgia Republican Assembly during their Endorsement Convention held in Fayetteville, Georgia on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

Brant Frost IV www.twitter.com/FirstLibertyGA

Georgia Republican Assembly www.twitter.com/GARepAssembly
National Federation of Republican Assemblies www.twitter.com/GOPWing

Watch complete, unfiltered, GRA Endorsement Convention here:

#Nydeo by Nydia Tisdale ~ Please $upport www.PayPal.me/NydiaTisdale
#Nydeo Journalist, member The Atlanta Press Club

We welcome you to join us for the event! www.facebook.com/events/842628111015507
Anyone can attend https://secure.anedot.com/georgia-republican-assembly-1db0455f-ae13-4bd3-81f0-e16e1d49d70f/2024graendorse

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