The Time I Fooled Myself About A Healthy Routine

6 months ago

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Have you ever started doing something “Healthy” and later discovered it WASN’T healthy?
Body Breakthrough Session:
I sure have done that many times.
I remember learning about the way commercial anti-perspirant deodorant contains aluminum. It horrified me to learn that aluminum can lead to many problems:
Brain issues - Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Cancers of various sorts
Kidney damage
Bone disease
Immunity struggles

ARGHHH! And THEN I learned that 100% of what we apply to our underarms can be absorbed.
“OK, that’s it! I’m starting to use aluminum-free deodorant!”

The Salt Rock deodorant caught my attention. I read the labels, There wasn’t aluminum, BUT there was alum in the ingredients. So I researched alum, and the info was inconclusive about whether alum had the same risk as aluminum.

So I started using the Salt Rock for my odor control. For years I bragged about my healthy habits.

I was chatting with a friend about deodorant and what I was using. Then she said something which hit me hard:
“PAM! That deodorant has ALUMINUM! Alum is another name for it!”

This info shook me. I wondered how I could have been so uninformed for all these years.
I truly looked back to figure out how I’d gone so wrong.
Then I remembered that I’d reached a point where it seemed inconclusive, and decided to use this deodorant until I’d figured it out.

Then I forgot to look into it any further. I thought I had finalized my deodorant decision.

It’s easy to hit a shocking realization that something we use is hurting our wellness.
And even when the realization hits, we can feel unsure how to replace it with a healthy alternative.
We can struggle to give that routine up, because it has worked for us for so long.

Finding those healthy alternatives makes a tremendous difference in our quality of life!
So this is why I am giving away free coaching sessions. It’s for people, like you, who want to change their lives in a holistic way. And you need the travel partner to help you complete the journey.

Body Breakthrough Session:

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