"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 65 - "Who is Dr. James Giordano?" - May 16, 2024

10 months ago

Who is Dr. James Giordano? What makes us sentient individuals and how is this threatened?Technology, 5G - New technologies over the years. What is biodigital convergence? Artificial Intelligence - The Internet of Things (IoT) - What did Alan Watt say about rebuilding Solomon's Temple? How do you know the thoughts in your mind are really yours? Targeted Individuals - What is the BRAIN Initiative? - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Yuval Harari and the Hackable Brain - James Giordano's Talk at the Modern War Institute, "The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future".

Cutting Through the Matrix

Dr. James Giordano

Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future

About IEEE Brain

BRAIN Initiative

Policy Horizons Canada

Yuval Harari’s hackable humans warning at WEF is becoming reality: DARPA is researching preconscious brain signals to know what someone believes to be true or not

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