Living in God’s Story | 1 Samuel 1:26-28

9 months ago

Are you struggling to trust God's plan for your life?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

We are in a new series on 1 Samuel and are currently in chapter one. The theme of chapter one is the six people who influenced Samuel's life: So far, we have identified Elkanah, Peninnah, Hannah, Eli, Hophni, Phinehas, Samuel, and today the Lord.

Today, verses 26-28.

And she said, “Oh, my lord! As you live, my lord, I am the woman who was standing here in your presence, praying to the Lord. For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.” — 1 Samuel 1:26-28

1 Samuel 1 is not primarily about Hannah, Elkanah, or even Samuel. It is primarily about the Lord.

This chapter may begin with God caring for Hannah and providing for her in her distress, bareness, and shame, but as we will see, in caring for Hannah, the Lord also cared for all of Israel. What he did for Hannah was not exclusively for Hannah. Unfortunately, this is how many want to read and understand the story because we want a God who saves us from our unique problems. We want a God who bows to serve and save us from our every need. But in this situation, God was not just serving and saving Hannah but all of Israel. Through one child, he provided an immediate path through their social unrest and hinted about another child who would save the world from all sin—Jesus.

This is an essential lesson in divine providence. Sometimes, we understand acts of God as acts done only for us. This is a very arrogant assumption. The things God does might be done to us and might bring us pleasure, but they are not done only for us nor to please our will. They are done for his will at his pleasure and to accomplish his plan.

God may do things for you that look like they are only for you, but usually, God has a greater plan in play. This is what Hannah understands in this statement at the end of chapter one. She even hints to Eli that he may not understand, but Samuel is one "lent" who will lend a hand in God's plan. Samuel's time has come to spend the rest of his days serving the Lord.

I want you to know today that God does care about you, but he doesn't only care about you. He cares about all his children. This means that your life, will, plan, vision, and even your aspirations are not the only ones at play. God's will will win the day. Hannah understood this. She had her will, but then there was God's will. He provided for her, but then she did not get in the way of God's will. By doing so, she, her son, and her family became a beautiful part of the story of God. (Which, by the way, will stand in contrast to Eli and his sons in the coming chapters).

The ultimate application of chapter one is this: God is at the center of the story. Don't let your will get in the way of God's will. See the connection of your story to his and become a beautiful part of the most remarkable story ever told.



How can we cultivate a mindset of surrender, trusting that God's will surpasses our own desires and plans?
In what areas of our lives do we struggle the most to align our will with God's will, and what steps can we take to surrender those areas fully to Him?
DO THIS: Live in the will of the greatest story ever told.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to trust in Your divine providence and surrender my will to Yours, recognizing that Your plans for me are far greater than I can imagine. Guide me to align my desires with Your purpose and to become a beautiful part of Your remarkable story. Amen.

PLAY THIS: God Is In This Story.

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