Men, Don't Do Life Alone!

4 months ago

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Society has been telling men we don’t need anyone, do it yourself for centuries. Well listen, it’s time to change that, to evolve and realize just how critical it is to have a godly man in your life that can pick you up when you fall, encourage you when you walk, call you out or help you identify pitfalls on the road ahead and how to avoid or combat them.

Why choose to fight alone? This life is hard! Why make it even harder by fighting alone? We have options.

And maybe you already have a godly man in your life, but want to go even deeper, want to be more consistent with meeting. Maybe you don’t know how to go about finding another man you would trust.

Well, being a part of Men of Iron for 17 years I have seen the benefits, or in my opinion, necessity, of having a mentor in you life. A mentor is as simple as a man that is just a season ahead of you in his spiritual walk, that's it. He’s not perfect, he hasn’t “arrived.” Simply a season ahead.

Mentorship! This is where it’s at, this is what every man needs to be involved in at some point in their life. It’s a commitment, and not everyone is ready for it, but that’s okay. As long as we are making progress towards it. Sometimes we just need to be involved in a small group first. But we do need to make some type of move.

Here are some options to get started on the quest for a true friend. You can get plugged into a church - you may just need to get plugged into YOUR church. Most churches have men’s groups, join one. Don’t go to church? No problem, contact us, contact me and I can help you find some options. We even have small groups that meet locally in your area.

Not sure you are ready to put yourself out there like that, but you are feeling a nudge today? Okay, let’s grab coffee or jump on a phone call.

The resources are here, it's just whether or not you want to take a step towards them.

What is God saying to you? Is it time to act? What is holding you back? Pray and ask God those questions, and when you are ready reach out to us, we would love to journey with you! You can reach me at or you can check out some of our free resources to get started.

We would love to help equip you for this journey, reach out to us today and let us be a resource for you!

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