Nacht Waffen Pilot Robert Stanley 28 Aug 2021

7 months ago

Robert Stanley wanted to talk about The Shining Ones--which is a spiritual approach to the Anunnaki rather than a physical one. We also discussed the UFO sightings in Washington, DC this century, which he has written a book on. And Darrell/Odin [my Producer] joined the conversation and there is some application to politics today.

Robert Merrill Stanley aka Mr. UNICUS

During his passionate pursuit of modern and ancient mysteries, Robert has traveled to 59 countries in 59 years. His quest for unique ideas and information has led him to research and write about many controversial topics. His ongoing investigations have been featured on television, radio, print and the Internet.
Born in 1959, Robert is a native of Los Angeles, California. He grew up in Malibu and in 2008 moved to southern New England with his wife, son and dog. In early 2015 he relocated his family to Hong Kong. In April of 2019, Robert relocated his family back to Southern California.

He enjoys surfing, hiking, motorcycles, tennis, photography and composing music.

Formerly a corporate journalist for Honda R&D Americas Inc. Robert is currently employed as an editor for an international factory auditing service Mega Compliance.

He is the author of two amazing ground-breaking books on the hidden history of UFO activity in Washington, D.C.

Robert has a website:

Robert has 2 books on Amazon:

Robert is on Skype.

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The song at the beginning is used with permission from Pyramids On Mars. In fact, Kevin Estrella of Pyramids On Mars produced the new intro video for me.

It is called "Nacht Waffen" and is from the album "Edge Of The Black".

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