Ava: CCP Funneled Huge Amounts of Money to U.S. Universities in Various Ways

6 months ago

05/15/2024 Ava on Kathleen Winn China Watch: To shape the global information space and get discourse power, CCP wants to control what people talk about. One way of controlling is through media, the other is through intellectuals and academics. CCP funneled huge amounts of money to U.S. universities in various ways, including tuition, gifts and contracts etc. The actual dollar figure is much higher than what you hear and what the media reports, because CCP often disguises the source of the money.
05/15/2024 Ava做客Kathleen Winn China Watch:为了塑造全球信息空间和获得话语权,中共想要控制人们谈论的内容。控制的一种方式是通过媒体,另一种是通过知识分子和学术界。中共通过各种方式向美国大学输送了巨额资金,包括学费、捐款和合同等等。实际金额要远超过你所听到和媒体报道的,因为中共经常掩盖资金的来源。

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