05.12.24 "Giving God a Hand"

21 days ago

The word “hands" appears 81 times in ACIM (Original Edition). Sometimes the Course is referring to actual hands, "My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today Have but one purpose – to be given Christ To use to bless the world with miracles." (WkBk.353.1) Of course this would mean we actually use our hands to bless the world with healing. Sometimes the hands are symbolic, "The Will of God forever lies in those whose hands are joined." (OrEd.Tx.30.69) Sometimes the hands talked about are actually God's "I place the future in the hands of God." (OrEd.WkBk.194) (I am having a moment of amusement thinking about God having actual hands.)

I have been thinking about how we automatically extend our arms and shake hands with people when we meet them. "But hold out your joined hands and touch this heavy-seeming block, and you will learn how easily your fingers slip through its nothingness. It is no solid wall." (OrEd.Tx.22.44) We can pierce through the illusion of sickness, certainly a heavy-seeming block, when we join hands with our brothers and sisters. We all join symbolic hands every week at the Sunday Gathering to join and practice healing. This joining completes a circuit and allows healing energy to flow easily and produce powerful results.

Of course never forget that the very first line of ACIM was supposed to be, "You will see miracles through your hands through me." (CE.Tx.1.1) This has been restored in the Circle of Atonement edition of the ACIM book, because it was very clear in Helen's notebooks. Take just a moment to feel and be keenly aware of your hands and the sensations they are bringing to you. ... (pause – go ahead, do it) ... These are powerful healing instruments when allowed to be God's hands in this world.

28 min.

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