Fox News Hosts Burst into Laughter as Fmr. Obama Economic Adviser Tries, with a Straight Face, to Claim that Inflation Was 9-10% When Biden Took Office

7 months ago

Smith: “All right, time for our panel. Doug Holtz-Eakin is here, former CBO director, and Robert Wolf his former economic advisor to Obama. Welcome to both of you. Robert, what was inflation when Biden took office?”
WOLF:” I think it was probably 9, 10%?
Smith: (Laughs)
HOLTZ-EAKIN: “No, no, no. Come on.”
Smith: “Come on, Robert. All right — “
WOLF: “But more importantly, it’s 3% now, so it’s down by two thirds.”
Smith: “I apologize, I put you on the spot there. It was 1.4% and that is fact. So, Doug Holtz-Eakin, these are the claims that the president has been making, that The Washington Post is giving four Pinocchios. Kind of sounds like what Robert just said, listen.”

[Clip starts]
Biden: “We have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. We are in a situation where we are in a better situated than we were when we took office. (...) It was 9% when I came to office. 9%. But look, people have a right to be concerned. (...) I think inflation has gone slightly up. It was 9% when I came in, and now it’s down to about 3%.”
[Clip ends]

Smith: “All right, so apparently we’re having a hard time with Robert’s IFB. It was 1.4%. And I did put him on the spot there.”

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