9 months ago

The fact of the matter is that it is literally impossible for someone who has the money, resources and power behind them, along with their so called education and " degrees ", could not have known any of these things. When a f**king 9th grade drop out, with a cell phone, internet connection and a little bit of time and actual real definition of caring ,could figure it out.

The first thing he said was, I know something that will get you a lot of "Hits" aka views , followers and shares, which therefore makes $$$, and the only thing that these people actually care about is the f**king 🥕 🥕 🥕 s carrots folks. The money and the so called fame. They don't care about anything other than their own legacy, and nothing more. Just like the people who claim to be leaders and people who claim to be leaders amongst leaders, are not going to do anything that takes away from their shinning objects and money coffers and popularity egos.

Just like the judges said asked in the Nuremberg trails the last time they culled the world.

To the people in leadership positions, asking why they didn't say anything to stop what atrocities were happening. And those people claimed to be doing their job and following orders and not being able to know.

And back then the judges ,you had the transistor radio and word of mouth to say something and to find out something.

Now in present day times not only do we have the transistor radio and word of mouth, but also the internet, social media, cell phones and the very national media of live television to be able to know.

There is going to be a very specific real price to pay for all of those people who claim to not know and worse for those who did know and did nothing to help stop it.


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