Nuwave Pro Infrared Counter-top Airfry oven Cooking 15lb. Turkey

16 days ago

NuWave Pro Infrared Counter-top Airfry oven
Cooked a 15lb. Turkey in 2.25 hours when instructions said 90 mins a side. First side for a hour, flip over and cook the rest for 1 hour 15 mins on high, or if you have a Turkey probe, wait until it pops out. Always have a Meat Thermometer and test your bird.
Prep: You'll need a syringe. 2 pears and/or Apples
Remove bits bag and neck out of inside freshly opened Bird.
Clean sink and wash the Bird in water. Clean sink again and hands.
Get microwave safe bowl and mix in a good amount of brown sugar,butter,Garlic pepper,lemon juice and warm up until it liquefies and stir.
Fill syringe with mixture and inject it in and all over the bird just under the skin and by breast bone,in the Meat. Stuff Pears and/or apples inside bird.
Cook belly down for a hour. Flip and cook another 1.25 or until probe pops or internal temp is 175-180 in the thighs/drum sticks.
That is how I do it and you will not regret it.
Disclaimer: This is how I do it. I hold no responsibility on how you do it.

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