Vaccines have caused so much damage, one day they will be banned, says Forest Maready

9 months ago

“… I am so opposed to vaccination, if I had the power, I would ban ALL of them. I would outlaw every single one.” Forest Maready tells Bret Weinstein, PhD on April 20, 2024. “I think the damage [vaccines] have caused is so severe that one day they will be completely banned…” “I did not start that way… Through a lot of research, I’ve come to that point.” Bret Weinstein says: “In the book that Heather and I wrote… we said the three (3) greatest medical advancements in human history were vaccines, antibiotics and surgery.” Bret Weinstein asks: “Are you an anti-vaxxer? “We’re you always one… ?” “I started with complete belief that vaccines were the important medical discovery of all time…” “I was as convinced as anyone was.” “I slowly [ came to realize the truth about vaccines ]… “I think the damage [vaccines] have caused is so severe that one day they will be completely banned from humanity.”

The full 2:27 hour interview, which was posted on April 20, 2024, which is titled "The Untold Story of Polio – Forrest Maready on DarkHorse", is posted here:

Forest Maready is the author of the books:

• The Moth In The Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio

• Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained: The incredible story of metal, microbes and medicine hidden within our faces

Forest Maready's website is here:

His books are here:

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