What Cancer Taught Me About Life & Love With Lauren Mahon

24 days ago

Creator of the online community Girl vs Cancer, and host of You, Me and the Big C, Lauren Mahon has launched a social media community with the aim of raising awareness and driving support towards women with cancer. After being diagnosed with breast cancer at 31, Lauren has used this to drive important conversations about cancer and raise awareness of the disease.

In March 2018, Lauren’s BBC podcast You, Me and the Big C was born with the focus on sharing Lauren’s cancer journey and experience in a positive light. Having originally co-hosted with Deborah James and Rachael Bland, who sadly passed away in 2018 and 2022 respectively, she is now the show’s sole surviving host. The podcast ensures that there is a platform for important conversations on body positivity, sex and masturbation. She has also been an advocate for charity, designing and selling ‘tit-tees’ raising £60,000 for cancer research and in 2019 she was awarded the Triumph Award at the Stylist Remarkable Women awards for prevailing in the face of adversity.

thank you for watching!


in this video

0:00 - trailer
0:58 - introduction into Lauren’s story
4:19 - background to Lauren’s diagnosis
8:54 - what led to Lauren’s diagnosis
12:32 - the day she found out she had cancer
14:31 - Lauren’s response to receiving the news
18:07 - the mindset shift that Lauren had in that moment
21:46 - the biggest learnings from cancer
26:00 - lucky girl syndrome
31:41 - start seeing your life as your soulmate
33:10 - her experience with the death of Lauren’s friend
35:11 - it’s okay to ask for help
37:14 - understanding when it’s okay to say no
40:15 - manifestation
43:51 - what does a good relationship look like?
48:24 - Lauren’s experience on First Dates
53:46 - dating stories
1:01:50 - what’s next for Lauren?

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