Prohibition, Al Capone, Tunnels, Moonshiners, Bathhouse Row, Watch the Water

8 months ago

This is part 2 which tells the rest of the history of Hot Springs as a place where Soldiers went to heal after World War 1 and 2.

Also a vacationing spot for Al Capone who was said to reserve the entire fourth floor of the Arlington Hotel which they are in the process of renovating.

When I did the can eyeball ism to thwart their ai and hater mods, it was in reference to this
Cannibalism being heralded as a solution to Climate Change by the same elites who Won't give up their private jets, but hey average people can help them out by eating each other in their goal of Population Control!

See Big ChuK and Joe Boy from Moonshiners in a tunnel from Prohibition Days.
The link I used in this video is found here,

I will try to do a report on the Arlington and show more footage when I can get back on.

I'll get the links I talked about in the comments as soon as possible.

Part 3 here,
The Tunnels under Hot Springs. Hidden Entrance. See Secret Pool under Army Navy Hospital

Take care and stay safe out there everybody!

#Prohibition, #tunnels, #Moonshiners, #AlCapone, #Alcatraz, #UndergroundCities, #IronMountain, #Bathhouses, #Bathhouserow, #HotSprings, #WatchTheWater, #Epstein, #Epsteindidntkillhimself, #TremintinaBase, #SocorroRanch, #IronMountain, #CheyenneMountain, #SunspotObservatoryTunnels, #SunspotNM, #DirkGently, #HolisiticDetectiveAgency, #DouglasAdams, #cannibalism

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