Jesse Declares Niro ‘Lost His Mind’ After He’s Muted During Trump Tirade: Kind of Like Movie Better

23 days ago

Jesse Watters accused Robert De Niro of having “lost his mind” after the actor was muted twice on The View while diving into vulgar anti-Donald Trump rants.

De Niro joined The View on Tuesday where he compared Trump to dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. He predicted “it’s over” if Trump is reelected to the White House. On two occasions, De Niro was muted, the first time saying, “excuse my French” before lashing out at Trump supporters.

“Nobody thinks Trump’s Mussolini and let’s be honest, most Democrats don’t know who Mussolini is. They think Mussolini is an appetizer at an Italian joint,” Watters said.

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