Ep. 33 - Something Big Is Coming! Mark Driscoll John Lindell Drama Exposes A Darkness In The Church!

9 months ago

Am I the only one that feels like Mark Driscoll did the right thing by calling out the quasi male strip tease at the Stronger Men Conference this year? Then why does it feel like everyone online is crucifying Mark for what he did and I’m not hearing a peep about John Lindell’s complete failure to protect his flock from this sort of immorality? I mean with the amount of men struggling with homosexuality in our modern age, how in the world did James River Church approve a performance by a former homosexual male stripper at a Christian men’s conference. Granted his performance wasn’t necessarily a strip tease, but it had all the elements necessary.

Personally, I feel like there’s something big on the horizon for the evangelical church. I feel like we’ve gotten too soft, too tolerant, and are overly concerned with what this wicked world thinks about us. These kinds of concessions compound and sooner or later something will give. I think we might be witnessing a breaking point right now.

In this episode, Ben and the boys discuss the controversy surrounding Mark Driscoll and the Stronger Men's Conference. They provide an overview of the events, including Mark's confrontation with a male stripper at the conference and his subsequent removal from the stage. The conversation delves into the speculation and allegations surrounding Mark's actions, including his history of controversy and lying for publicity. The hosts express their concerns about the impact of these events on the Christian community and discuss the need for repentance and accountability. The conversation explores the concept of cult of personality and the influence it has on leaders like Mark Driscoll and Douglas Wilson. It delves into the controversy surrounding Driscoll's recent men's conference and the use of a male stripper in a Christian context. The hosts discuss the application of Matthew 18 in rebuking a brother and the misuse of the concept of anointing. They also question the validity of claims that Driscoll has a pattern of lying and staging publicity stunts. In this final part of the conversation, the hosts discuss their opinions on the Mark Driscoll controversy and the use of the term 'Jezebel spirit'. They also mention upcoming plans for their YouTube channel, including membership options and live streams. The conversation ends with lighthearted banter and expressions of gratitude.


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00:00 Introduction: Driscoll Controversy
09:19 Publicity Stunt Or Not?
38:21 Cult Of Personality
46:53 Why Is Driscoll Still Hated?
01:15:13 Driscoll Falsely Accused
01:39:07 The 'Jezebel Spirit'

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