MESSED UP HOUSING MARKET Has Both Buyers And Sellers Locked Out | Neither Can Afford To Make A Move

9 months ago

#realestate #housing #economy

The current housing market is in a state that's locking out both buyers and sellers. Sellers are locked out because their current homes are at such a low rate, it doesn't make sense to sell. That in turn locks out buyers due to a lack of inventory along with higher interest rates. Something needs to give. In this segment we discuss they crisis in our economy.

The Wise Soules Episode 4 Clip

The Wise Soules is a live discussion between Dan, Beth, and Eli Soule. We debate and discuss current news, events, and pop culture, with an emphasis on modeling family discussion. We encourage your participation in the chat! We only ask that everyone be respectful, just as we are to you.

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