💙 From Personal Reflections to the Teachings of Ramana Maharshi (Yamsox Live April 11th, 2024)

22 days ago

This video traverses discussions from meaningful connections, the essence of non-attachment, and self-realization, to personal anecdotes that bring light-hearted warmth. Witness insights from Ramana Maharshi, understand the profound lessons behind unfulfilled desires, and embrace mindfulness as a tool for healing. Explore diverse teachings on the significance of body care and Sanskrit, while uncovering the balance between divine play and philosophical inquiries. Discover the power of mantra chanting, the role of diet in spiritual well-being, and find solace in bravery against anxiety. From confronting societal norms, like agoraphobia, to celebrating the supreme beauty of struggle and compassion in daily acts, this discussion is a testament to spirituality's boundless realm. Through Ramana Maharshi's guidance on returning to the self, to the embracing of service and love as expressed by Paramahansa Yogananda, connect with the intimate journey of self-discovery and the universal quest for inner peace.

0:00:00 Opening Intentions and Welcome
0:01:55 Question of the Day Introduction
0:08:28 Spiritual Readings: Insights from Ramana Maharshi
0:20:08 Light-Hearted Moments and Personal Stories
0:21:59 The Five Sheaths and Innermost Bliss
0:24:20 The Lesson of Unfulfilled Desires
0:25:21 Understanding the Blessing in Unfulfilled Wishes
0:27:20 Mindfulness and Healing Trauma
0:30:06 A Day in the Life and Personal Practices
0:31:34 Introduction to Sanskrit and Its Significance
0:35:34 The Importance of Body Care
0:38:46 Ashtavakra's Story
0:40:26 Awareness and Liberation
0:40:45 Beyond Physical Health
0:41:25 Gratitude for Contributions
0:42:36 Creating Calm Spaces
0:44:08 Woodworking and Craft
0:45:53 Favorite Words in English
0:47:28 Divine Wordplay
0:48:27 Understanding God's Nature
0:49:40 God's Presence Within Us
0:51:35 Jesus and Paramatman
0:53:39 Krishna's Divine Play
0:55:03 Divine Expressions in Babies
0:56:08 Divine Infants Across Traditions
0:57:33 Krishna Stealing Butter
0:58:18 Euthanasia and Life's Value
1:01:07 Personality and Reincarnation
1:04:17 Baby Speak Vs Adult Communication
1:05:20 Philosophical Inquiries and Balance
1:05:52 Connection with Parents and Gratitude
1:07:23 Humorous Interjections
1:07:32 Spiritual Salutations
1:12:21 Addressing Suffering and Nirvana
1:21:15 The Role of Chanting in Focus
1:22:14 Community Chanting and Stillness
1:23:52 Finding Stillness Beyond the World
1:26:56 Understanding 'Jai Sita Ram' vs 'Jai Shri Ram'
1:27:43 The Divine Feminine and Masculine
1:29:34 The Consequences of Actions
1:29:39 Transition and Memory
1:29:47 Attachment and Loss
1:30:58 Introduction to Buddhism
1:32:55 Understanding 'Hari Om Tat Sat'
1:35:08 Pursuing a Sattvic Diet
1:37:05 The Three Gunas
1:37:26 Impacts of Food on Mind and Spirit
1:39:25 Spiritual Significance of Diet
1:39:49 Changes in Thoughts Through Diet
1:42:35 Utilizing the Internet for Spirituality
1:44:02 Facing Health and Anxiety
1:44:39 Confronting Anxiety with Perspective
1:46:48 Seeking Discomfort
1:50:34 Confronting Agoraphobia
1:51:34 Being Present in the Moment
1:53:17 Musical Preferences
1:55:15 Support for Alcoholic Family Members
1:58:02 Parental Detachment and Growth
1:58:15 Mother Eagle: A Lesson in Tough Love
2:02:28 Acceptance Amidst Change
2:03:42 Life's Varied Expressions and Care
2:04:27 The Value of Honesty and Understanding
2:06:46 Levels of Understanding in Vedanta
2:08:15 The Art of Condensation in Communication
2:11:54 Divine Potency and Human Will
2:14:21 Beauty in Struggle
2:15:19 Handling Anger Through Action
2:16:42 Defining Self Beyond Outcomes
2:17:59 The Essence of Effort
2:18:04 Concluding Remarks and Gratitude
2:20:21 The Gradual Shift of Spiritual Awakening
2:23:44 Contemplation on the Cosmos
2:24:49 Seeking Divinity within and Beyond
2:26:18 Wisdom and its Innate Nature
2:28:33 Manifesting Compassion in Daily Acts
2:31:17 Embracing Service and Love
2:33:15 Paramahansa Yogananda's Faith in the Divine
2:37:14 Exploring the Vedas and Personal Spiritual Journey
2:41:27 Humorous Moments amidst Spiritual Discussion
2:43:32 Understanding the Mahabharata and Vedas
2:46:40 Beginning with Pema Chodron
2:48:39 Reflection and Self-growth
2:48:55 Embracing Potential and Clarity
2:50:50 Potential vs. Present: Embracing the Journey
2:51:38 Gratitude and Community Engagement
2:53:08 Navigating Digital Connections
2:55:01 Loving Through Adversity
2:58:51 Finding Love in All Expressions
2:59:06 Holding Space for Life's Dualities
3:00:57 Reflective Question of the Day
3:06:22 Exploring Beyond Small Talk
3:07:50 Ramana Maharshi's Teachings on the Self
3:17:16 The Mahamantra Chanting
3:21:04 Understanding Hare, Krishna, and Rama
3:25:53 Comfort and Guidance for Surgery

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