Author/retired educator James Cloud is my guest with “Brandenburg II: The Ninth Circle of Hell”!

9 months ago

Author/retired educator James Cloud talks about his latest release “Brandenburg II: The Ninth Circle of Hell” providing an account of life in Germany told from a German perspective compared to many books from an Allied standpoint with a better understanding of various events leading up to the Holocaust and the ruins of war! James has 30+ years experience  teaching History, Government, U.S. Citizenship Preparation, German & English as a Second Language, learned about the war and the treatment of the Jewish people in Europe and developed curiosity about culture, later traveling to Germany learning the language and going to school at Institute of Arts in West Berlin, and wrote his first book “Brandenburg: A Story of Berlin” at 80 bringing together his impressions gained through a lifetime of teaching and interacting with many nationalities and cultures to bring the story of Berlin from a unique perspective! Check out the latest release from the amazing James Cloud on many major retailers and today! #jamescloud #author #retirededucator #berlin #germany #brandenburgtwotheninthcircleofhell #brandenburgsastoryofberlin #german #holocaust #allied #germanhistory #citizenship #jewish #eastberlin #westberlin #eastgermany #westgermany #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerjamescloud #themikewagnershowjamescloud

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