TheDimNews LIVE: Twitter Twat Catch-Up | RIP, Lucy the Rooster

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET!


thrasybulus So about the roasted chicken we had last night...

Qriist Supporter Kaaa

Qriist Supporter meee

Qriist Supporter haaa

Qriist Supporter meeeeee

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Waiting on Alexxxxxx.

Qriist Supporter you broke it 😭

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Sorryyyyy.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Do it again!

Qriist Supporter you cockblocked the ki, you monster

Qriist Supporter TheDimCell is so evil

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Mwahahaha.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User We'll see if Alex shows up. Haven't talked to her recently to double check, lol. Would have started on time otherwise!

Qriist Supporter lol

JQuickDraw Supporter All I see are womanly excuses.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Thank you.

Qriist Supporter she's in a ditch dying of allergies

thrasybulus @TheDimSide Why is @AlexSoLateSoOften?

JQuickDraw Supporter Can you die of allergies?

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw go have someone with a peanut allergy inhale a Snickers bar

Qriist Supporter FOR SCIENCE

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh the serious allergies. I was thinking of pollen, or hard work.

Qriist Supporter Hard work can definitely kill you. See: every communist utopia ever.

MudderFetcher but that wasn't real Communism

JQuickDraw Supporter Communist utopia? What's that? I've never seen one.

MudderFetcher all twats all the time

thrasybulus Utopia does mean No Place.

MudderFetcher I read a bunch of news...fuck this planet...animal stories instead

RonGreen1 Woohoo! It's those awesome ladies from the dim side.

TunedToKey Supporter Howdy

RonGreen1 Poor Lucy. He's in that big chicken coop in the sky.

MudderFetcher I used to wonder why anyone would get into medicine just to be awful but then the "pandemic" cleared all that up for me

JQuickDraw Supporter Welcome to bureaucracy, Beverly. Have a seat. We'll, well that's it really, just sit and wait.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ so how many animals have you killed now miss Beverly?

JQuickDraw Supporter Lucy is pecking out the eyes of federal agents in heaven.

MudderFetcher garden porn inbound

RonGreen1 What's in Beverly's garden this year?

JQuickDraw Supporter Asian Garden Babes Vol. 17: * funky 70s music * "Yeaaaahhh, pollinate my flower, baby."

thrasybulus Another reason to be armed when you leave the house.

MudderFetcher I'm thinking the animals should be locked and loaded at this point lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Hide the animals from Bev

RonGreen1 Beverly needs a big ostrich to protect the other birds.

MudderFetcher catching 30 baby chicks is how Joe Biden trains for catching toddlers

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly should hire an excessively Italian guido from the city to protect the animals. It would be like a goofy fish-out-of-water feel-good comedy, where everyone learns valuable life lessons.

MudderFetcher if it isn't titled "Hey, I'm Squawking Here!" then I'll riot

JQuickDraw Supporter Someone just joining the stream: "His poops were harder, and he was just hanging out in the barn." ???

thrasybulus Never trust an emo. They will lose a fight with an emu.

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher Either that or Duck Duck Gooch

thrasybulus Fat outdoor cat is good hunter. How else is it fat?

thrasybulus Kill momma fox. Let the babies die. They will need to be fed with momma's kills.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ How does one, illegally feed?#

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Kill foxes

JQuickDraw Supporter @WinkyWankyWoo In the US there are cities where it's illegal to feed the homeless because you might serve them improperly prepared food. 🤡

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Foxes are abundant in numbers, when they overbreed they infringe on humans and livestock, by killing them you actually help

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ when I was 8-11 on the isle of skye, I was paid to shoot rabbits to keep the population under control

MudderFetcher my wife works for a wildlife rescue and, for the most part, people have to bring the animals to them because of the way the gov works

MudderFetcher or rather doesn't fucking work

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Animals die, and some really fecking often

thrasybulus Is @TheDimSide a Munchausen by proxy animal mom? I'm beginning to wonder.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ like rabbits, those fuckers die so fast

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Bev the foxy boxer

thrasybulus Foxy Boxing.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ foxy boxing lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ if you know, you know

thrasybulus A female fox is a vixen IIRC.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ on uk tv in like the late 90s, a channel featured foxy boxing

thrasybulus 9mm for the hood, 10mm for the woods.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ girls in bikinis with boxing gloves lol

RonGreen1 Foxes tremble whenever they hear Beverly's name.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ was a wonderous time

JQuickDraw Supporter Wasn't Vixen one of Santa's reindeer?

Qriist Supporter good band

Qriist Supporter Vixen, I mean. Not Santa's Reindeer.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ wild animals are hard to catch and kill, easier for wild animals to kill your domesticated animals

thrasybulus Foxes are for Siberian experiments.

JQuickDraw Supporter I like Blitzen for a punk band name. They would dress like nazi stormtroopers, but with a Christmas star on the spike on their helmets.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex's facebook ads are for batteries

MudderFetcher I think we all have dice and geese in our feeds at this point

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex, your FB ads seem to think you and Beverly are one person.

MudderFetcher riding it seems to be what the women are going for lol

RonGreen1 If you meet up with a polar bear, you will be dinner.

JQuickDraw Supporter People also don't understand that often bears eat you WHILE YOU ARE STILL ALIVE, so you experience yourself being eaten alive.
bear 𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗲 survivors fund

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ mudderfetcher killed his wife 2 years ago

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ does it sound so good now, Bev?

thrasybulus Wolves are legit scary. They are actually bigger than most people think. Knew someone that raised one on their grandma's property. It always scared new people to see it in person.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'm open to alex raping me to death though

MudderFetcher bear date in the Wednesday channel

JQuickDraw Supporter Wolves are narrow chests and long legs, and are agile like cats. And they are very intelligent.

MudderFetcher I needed a new coat Winky...I mean it was an accident that never happened

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ you have bear arms?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I write things they will not read

thrasybulus Isn't Bear a way of saying big, hairy, gay man? Maybe the women don't realize what they are voting for.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ hairy bearded gay men don't scare me

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I am straight and can clench my arse cheeks

thrasybulus Maybe women would rather meet a gay man in the woods than a random man.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ meat

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ women don't realise, we men go to the woods to fucking avoid them

Qriist Supporter I hunt facerump in the woods

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ we pushing the bears to meet them, bears are like, dude no, they crazy bitches

MudderFetcher everybody love the raised beds

MudderFetcher Tidy Cat buckets? lol

Qriist Supporter should hire Antifa to tend your garden

Qriist Supporter Summer of Love 2024, baby!

MudderFetcher litter buckets are great water storage during hurricane season down here

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ have tiny tits

Qriist Supporter somebody fluffed a pillow on your lawn

MudderFetcher *Mike Lindell slowly approaches*

wesley1924 Supporter+ hello

thrasybulus Worms are to help the Fremen.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly being all Ace Ventura, loving her ducks and geese. Sees a worm and a snake, proceeds to freak out.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ STRANGER DANGER

thrasybulus Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'm wearing a bear outfit and going to grape you bitches

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ rawwwrrrr

JQuickDraw Supporter My parents taught me strangers are okay, but instilled a strong does of Strangler Dangler in me.
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening ladies, chat.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Use judgement, trust your gut with people

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bears are to be avoided

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ they are wild animals

Qriist Supporter "I've encountered millions of men" ... I want to make a dirty joke so bad lol
OakPoke Supporter+ Black bears can be pretty chill. Brown bears are pretty scary.

thrasybulus Cats > Bears

RonGreen1 In Alaska we would carry 12 ga. pump with slugs for a bear gun.

wesley1924 Supporter+ Men's intentions are easier to figure out. Bears have the same look on their face whether they're playing in the river or slowly consuming your abdomen.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ never relax around blacks
OakPoke Supporter+ I'd be more likely to relax around a black bear

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ You are a woman alone, at night. You see a white man and a black man, on opposite sides of the street, which side do you pick?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bear bear
OakPoke Supporter+ God bless the bear for taking out the smelly indians for us

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ the bear eats the black, which side do you pick now

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ still the white side lol

thrasybulus 0lga's mom would choose tiger over bear. Certain, quick death beats that.
OakPoke Supporter+ Patel’s phone was also found nearby with fang marks on it

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'm not a bear, nor have I attacked a woman, what does this choice mean?
OakPoke Supporter+ I feel slightly dumber, walking around in bear country, drunk at day bear skat about 30 feet from the door

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bears tend to avoid humans

MudderFetcher the man has befriended the bear and they are just wanting to go on a double-date
OakPoke Supporter+ Always thought of black bears as pretty chill...maybe because it wasn't in the middle of nowhere, but closer to civilization, so maybe they eat more trash

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ and smart men avoid women

RonGreen1 A brown bear at Woodland Park Zoo recently ate a bunch of ducks that landed in the best enclosure.

JQuickDraw Supporter People should avoid bears, except Judo Gene Labell. He wrestled a bear, and also got Bruce Lee in a wrestling hold and carried him around like a baby.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ we eat ducks too ron

RonGreen1 Bear enclosure*

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ any chinese place, ducks

MudderFetcher Beverly would just as soon eat a Bear Steak and she would a Man Steak...only Beverly wins in this scenario

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ in the animal kingdom, if something is smaller than you, it's fucking food

thrasybulus I da ho, you da ho, we all da hoes.

MudderFetcher the clear choice of who to avoid in the woods is a hungry Beverly

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ HOES lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'd avoid bev and her ginger in the woods
OakPoke Supporter+ Avoiding a hungry beverly lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Bear approaches Beverly at the grill, "I eat humans." Beverly: *smiles and holds out a burger* "Want some?"

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Bev would chase you down, claw you to near death and feed you to her ginger
OakPoke Supporter+ Les Stroud (survivor man canada) says the scariest animal in his opinion, is a moose during Rut season
OakPoke Supporter+ male moose

RonGreen1 Moose are tasty. Better than elk.

thrasybulus Moose over Polar Bear every time.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ in Scotland most deadly animal is a stag in rutting season
OakPoke Supporter+ Sadly scotland is getting diversity, so...

RonGreen1 Alex hasn't been outside since 2009.😂

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ no politics, they bollocks
OakPoke Supporter+ Worms will turn into the giant worms from DUNE
You both smell of fish
OakPoke Supporter+ 3 ppl yikes

MudderFetcher Ghost Bear: Out For Vengeance coming this Fall

JQuickDraw Supporter Polar bears are the biggest, but from what I've read, grizzly bears have the nastiest temperament. They've been known to stand off against oncoming trains because they killed an animal on the tracks.

RonGreen1 Weyerhauser sold some land for a housing development. Garbage night is now black bear night.

MudderFetcher Alex has almost as many Bear Facts as she does Vagina Facts

JQuickDraw Supporter The guy who died from a bear attack while being recorded was one of those nature freaks who thought he could communicate with bears and befriend them.
OakPoke Supporter+ Oh yeah

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ we men are more scared of tampax than wolf or bear packs
OakPoke Supporter+ We heard wolves when I was 10-12 in Wisconsin...they were howling, and their footprints were HUGE...walked through the campsite area.

MudderFetcher Alex took those Twilight movies REALLY fucking seriously lmfao

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'm not sorry for making that joke
OakPoke Supporter+ We stayed at a state park I think, but it was off we were the only ppl there, and the wildlife sorta retook the area was creepy

JQuickDraw Supporter There are journal entries of early American explorers describing wolf pack attacks, and it's a fucking horror movie. They would should and stab dozens o them, only to be overwhelmed and eaten.
OakPoke Supporter+ Yeah, wolves were/are scary

JQuickDraw Supporter I love the Raiden hat.
OakPoke Supporter+ The asian lady sees dinner...hey, that dog? Me eat dog, i eat you too.

MudderFetcher "My dearest Lorelei, while we have nearly conquered this new frontier...oh God! The Fucking Moose is upon me!"

JQuickDraw Supporter You need to complement the Cunt Corner with the Bear Boudoir.
OakPoke Supporter+ "WE are the top predator on this planet."
OakPoke Supporter+ We are part of it, indeed.


JQuickDraw Supporter Lady chooses bear: "Milady, hast thou supped upon the figgy pudding? Tis to die for." "Oh Smoky Von Bearington, you are such a thoughtful partner!"
OakPoke Supporter+ Cat behind Beverly's head looks comfy.

JQuickDraw Supporter "We can get into twats." Life goals.

MudderFetcher Alex also has bonnet facts apparently
OakPoke Supporter+ Hair bonnets sounds super white. We should ban blks from doing it.
OakPoke Supporter+ When Alex grows her hair out, she's getting a bonnet and chop sticks to keep her hair out of her eyes
OakPoke Supporter+ Rapunzel hair is cool.

RonGreen1 Beverly has vampire hair.

MudderFetcher I'm all for it

MudderFetcher as a Cuntgoblin

MudderFetcher make fake saxophone noises at least damnit

JQuickDraw Supporter It's bad optics. Even if you feel such a take is logically consistent with your worldview, why in holy hell would you bring it up at all? It smacks of edgelord unseriousness.

MudderFetcher yeah a human "rescue"

MudderFetcher you have to really try to out-dipshit the Democrats and/or the Republicans and yet here comes the NH Libertarians with the championship play
OakPoke Supporter+ Lazy baby

MudderFetcher NH Libertarians just hate-watch Willow lol

JQuickDraw Supporter If that orphan baby wants to live, it can pull itself up by its own bootstraps. And don't tell me babies don't have bootstraps. It can work extra hours and buy them, dammit.
OakPoke Supporter+ We want babies with the drive to get bootstraps. None of those crying , lazy babies.

MudderFetcher Warburton

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't approach the cops too quickly or menacingly when you give them the baby, or they might see you as threatening them, and shoot you several hundred times, to be safe of course.

MudderFetcher why are these references stuck in my brain? lol

MudderFetcher Start Wars

JQuickDraw Supporter Shart Wars

MudderFetcher Did Mark Hamil do something super gay? Yes...the answer is always yes.

JQuickDraw Supporter Mark needs another joyride in a corvette.
OakPoke Supporter+ So much autism.

MudderFetcher once your tweet requires a fucking blog post = you've probably already lost
OakPoke Supporter+ Are libertarians more autistic than the general public?

JQuickDraw Supporter This whole thread is why libertarians are not competing with the uniparty. Fucking stop with the orphan shit.

MudderFetcher Beverly please stop seducing the internet with your sexy snot

MudderFetcher no wait...jar it and sell it lol

jbsx Just stopped by...Bev has snot?
OakPoke Supporter+ Real snot hours.

RonGreen1 Pro tip: Always drink a beer before fighting with a lion. 👍

JQuickDraw Supporter Bukkake Snot Babes

MudderFetcher Bevkkake Snot Shots
OakPoke Supporter+ @Beverly what you're describing, I went through as well...Like a nasty cold, not quite the flu

MudderFetcher $50/per
OakPoke Supporter+ I also had a flu like thing in's a conspiracy

MudderFetcher sounds like sick in your 30's prepares you for not-sick in your 40's

RonGreen1 They're the richest slaves on the planet.
OakPoke Supporter+ It's exactly like slavery & racism. What else could explain Adrian peterson going broke? DOn't say he blew his money like so many do...that's racist

JQuickDraw Supporter It's amazing how the lunatic left went from "You want to kill grandma, you monsters." to "Fuck those old motherfuckers."

MudderFetcher the front-facing camera is the downfall of our planet
OakPoke Supporter+ I think they were just focusing on destroying the economy at the time...they are just destroyers. It's what so much of the left is. A large percentage of them are crazy.
OakPoke Supporter+ Power & control, yes

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm fucking tired of the healthcare argument. Go talk to Lauren Chen about socialized healthcare. If she didn't move her family to America, her father would be dead now.
OakPoke Supporter+ Stefan Molyneux says he'd probably be dead had he not flown down to arizona to be treated...said he was misdiagnosed in canada

jbsx you need to understand that most of those countries are still struggling to maintain functioning indoor plumbing
OakPoke Supporter+ The more they've tried to "fix" our healthcare, the more damage they've done. The more expensive and worse it gets. disaster

JQuickDraw Supporter We already have historical precedent for free everything working. There were fewer people addicted to drugs per capita BEFORE drug laws, fewer poor people per capita BEFORE welfare, and on and on.

JQuickDraw Supporter We have more regulation NOW than at any time in fucking history.
OakPoke Supporter+ yep

MudderFetcher that's a man
OakPoke Supporter+ Is that big mitch or the ny braod

JQuickDraw Supporter Those poor stone age black people living in caves, sleeping on tree branches. Can we please get them MacBooks already?
OakPoke Supporter+ Can you imagine stacy abrams acting like a gorilla scared of a laptop? It's not that much of a stretch.

MudderFetcher trying to find the Hochul one:

jbsx women don't, tweet at me

MudderFetcher kinda the same but:
OakPoke Supporter+ I have no clue who this woman is

JQuickDraw Supporter ,Women do,n't, tweet at, m,e,

RonGreen1 She stole Beverly's hair. 😂
OakPoke Supporter+ The newest movie i've ever watched, was from 2014.
OakPoke Supporter+ She did steal her hair, wow.

JQuickDraw Supporter Smart. You can never be too careful. "Oh you eat first, honey." "How thoughtful!" "Yes. Thoughtful. Just eat it already."
OakPoke Supporter+ I think I watched a batman in 2009...
OakPoke Supporter+ Longer hair for the win.

RonGreen1 I recently watched a movie where a lady killed her husband by putting rat poison in his coffee. But I can't recall the name of the movie.

MudderFetcher Steve Carell
OakPoke Supporter+ "What chu want a cookie?"

MudderFetcher I just like Tom Petty making songs about Alice In Wonderland

MudderFetcher can we limit the bullshit flags/emojis to like 3?
OakPoke Supporter+ The "black" areas around here fought tooth and nail to never reopen their doors...most everywhere else had been back in school for months

JQuickDraw Supporter If you've lived in inner city/slum type areas, you know them instantly when you see them. That place is dirty, sad, and dangerous.
OakPoke Supporter+ Looks like former irish row housing, now inhabited by others...]
OakPoke Supporter+ Trailer parks are 100 pct least in my region.
OakPoke Supporter+ The trailer parks in my region were safer than some of the apt buildings I lived in , for sure.

RonGreen1 Let's ask the cats if they care.🤣

JQuickDraw Supporter Dear Neighbor, your wife is really hot and I can't focus on my work when she is walking around in the garden near my window. Can you keep her in the house during the day when I'm in my office? Thanks!

JQuickDraw Supporter No Alex, they retconned the Doctor's origin in the last few years. So now he started as a black woman.
OakPoke Supporter+ The time traveling english Dr. was always a black female.

MudderFetcher Straight White Men fucking HATE Sci-Fi
OakPoke Supporter+ True

JQuickDraw Supporter It's weird. They seem to hate all the things they created and perfected. So weird.

RonGreen1 Men go fishing to get away from women. Not impress them with their beer drinking, I mean fishing skills.

MudderFetcher "This Is Dumb And I'll Tell You Why" -The Alex Story

JQuickDraw Supporter Sex is definitely a big part of our pastimes. But all our driving motives as humans express in our pastimes. Curiosity and exploration are another branch on that tree, as well as food.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's not a joke. They retconned Doctor Who's origin.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I bet Alex talks like this in bed
OakPoke Supporter+ lol

purpletiger69 Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ not saying it's a bad thing

RonGreen1 Every thing about Biden is so fake.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ dick van dyke is a vampire

Egerog Sorry about your Rooster. we also lost our Sunshine this week a cantankerous 3yo Leghorn hen

RonGreen1 Antifa is protesting with the Hamas protesters at the University of Washington. They have garbage can shields painted black.

Egerog she has been sick the past week i think her bumble foot eventually got to here

Qriist Supporter DC University of Washington?

Qriist Supporter please say yes

Qriist Supporter I wanna go look lol
OakPoke Supporter+ Thing about Biden, is he lies so much, no one knows if he's telling the truting.h about anyth

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ my son beau died for this
OakPoke Supporter+ Can tell the Trump supporters because they have deeper voices.

RonGreen1 Doesn't everybody have a crazy uncle Joe.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter Single women are the only demographic keeping the left afloat at this point. Can we convince them that it's empowering to not vote?

RonGreen1 Biden using the short steps on Air Force One is comical.
OakPoke Supporter+ That's true for whites, but not the others.

JQuickDraw Supporter They should lift him up and place him into Air Force One like placing luggage in the overhead bin.
OakPoke Supporter+ Biden "make my day pal". Tons of Jump cuts...

Qriist Supporter free on Wednesdays?

Qriist Supporter I don't get it

JQuickDraw Supporter Phillip DeFranco is editing Biden's videos now apparently.
OakPoke Supporter+ I hear you're free on Wednesdays...what does that mean?

RonGreen1 Court is not in session on Wednesday for Trump's trial.
OakPoke Supporter+ Ahhhh

Qriist Supporter ah
OakPoke Supporter+ sex talk
OakPoke Supporter+ yes

JQuickDraw Supporter Yes, not that it helps me most days lol
OakPoke Supporter+ the hood keeps it sensitive...sorta like a guy having foreskin

RonGreen1 What is it that Muslims do to women on that?
OakPoke Supporter+ they will snip away the hood

JQuickDraw Supporter Boys n the Clitoral Hood: It's a Jungle Down There.
OakPoke Supporter+ Batman
OakPoke Supporter+ Alex jones used to call Janet Napalitano a dung beetle. Good times.

JQuickDraw Supporter Time to milk the chaos
OakPoke Supporter+ Have a good night ladies, and chat.

JQuickDraw Supporter
OakPoke Supporter+ G'night and God bless.
OakPoke Supporter+ You ladies have to stream all night now

JQuickDraw Supporter You mean belated happy mother's day, the day wasn't late, you were. :)
OakPoke Supporter+ The loop is funny
OakPoke Supporter+ gnight everyone

JQuickDraw Supporter This is what is must be like to get caught in a black hole's event horizon.
OakPoke Supporter+ yes

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