DESPERATE: The US is begging Iran for favours again…

4 months ago

Right, so the US, having taken Israel’s side as Iran retaliated against them for taking out their embassy in Damascus, completely unprovoked, having taken to the skies to take out Iranian ordnance being fired towards Israel, towards military targets they had designated, having even asked Iran if they would mind afterwards if they would just let Israel shoot them back, do no damage, bomb a couple of shepherds huts or whatever an empty hangar somewhere perhaps and then not fire back so that Israel cans ay they won and the West can propagate the myth that Iran are the bad guys and that the media narratives their pliant client media about Iran attacking Israel unprovoked must therefore be true. Well Iran said no of course, I daresay they had a bit of a giggle about it, but now the US after all of that, has gone back to the Theocratic state and their ayatollah and are begging for another favour from them and they’ve got some real brass neck to be asking this, but also implies that actually dealing with this little problem of theirs is costing them dearly.
Right, so the US have according to AP called on Iran to stop arming the Houthis, but without any good reason as to why they would do that. It’s barefaced cheek quite honestly, where was the US support in condemning Israel for striking Iran? The US tried to convince Iran to let it go, but of course, they can’t do that, it’s not in their nature and it triggered the first strike from Iran on Israel, military strikes, including the Nevatim air base south of the West Bank, where Netanyahu keeps his Air Force One knockoff, Wing of Zion and also where it is widely surmised a lot of munitions from the likes of the US is delivered onto Israeli soil, courtesy it is also widely suspected, of the UK air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri. Even after Iran struck Israel, in what was seen as a restrained attack, something of an intelligence gathering exercise, since the damage was minimal, but of course everywhere Israel retaliated from Iran now have location information, which could be used by allies. For example, you might not have heard of a successful drone strike by Hezbollah in Lebanon, which managed to evade Israeli defensive systems and successfully take out an Iron Dome missile battery, worth some $50m. The drone was worth something like 5 grand. Was that success due to Iranian intelligence gathering? Well, possibly, you wouldn’t have bet money on the drone would you?
But now the US have the nerve, the brass neck, to once more ask Iran to stop arming the Houthis in Yemen. Now I’ve done a few videos on Houthi activity, harassing ships, blockading the Gulf of Aden, the southern Red Sea and the narrow stretch of water in between, the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. They’ve targeted pro Israeli ships as well as US and UK shipping because they fired on them to try and stop them from attacking shipping, unsuccessfully and although there have been Houthi caused casualties now, not to mention ships getting sunk, far more Houthis have been killed operating in solidarity with Palestine, with Gaza and they’ve still no intention of letting up. It isn’t in their nature to ever quit. They might be one of the poorest Arab nations on Earth, but they’ve fought far wealthier far more powerful countries to a standstill, and have successfully created a naval blockade in the Red Sea without even having a navy! They’ve made history on that score.
But of course much of that stems from having Iran as their backers. For Iran to have openly attacked Israel directly themselves was a first, they do tend to operate through proxies like the Houthis, like Hezbollah, frankly it’s western arrogance to expect them to jump when we tell them, because they are a hugely powerful and influential nation in the Middle East. You don’t have to like how that nation is run, a religious sectarian theocracy as it is, there all manner of legitimate criticisms that can certainly be said about Iran, but as the US fully know as well as other nations in the West insistent on being in charge, or trying to be, despite also supporting a genocidal apartheid regime that disgusts people globally, not just in the Middle East, all that needs to be done to stop the Houthis attacking and harassing shipping in the Red Sea, is to stop Israel committing genocide in Gaza. It is a very simple choice. Do the right thing and the Houthis stop. Carry on enabling this death and destruction and they will continue to hit you economically.
It is so easy, it would be so simple for Genocide Joe Biden to cut off the arms and the funding until Israel gets out of Gaza. Instead, it is being reported, that another $1bn of military aid is going to head Israel’s way from the US and they’ve now officially come to the position that despite what Israel have done, that it isn’t genocide! White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan literally stood at a podium and said:
‘We believe Israel can and must do more to ensure the protection and well-being of innocent civilians. We do not believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide. We have been firmly on record rejecting that proposition.’
Well that’s in stark contrast to the initial findings of the International Court of Justice, back in February, so perhaps they might like to weigh in? Perhaps the ICC might like to draw up a few more arrest warrants and send them to Washington? The US have literally found that there are potential breaches of International humanitarian law with regards to weapons they’ve sent to Israel, but still say it isn’t genocide. They are making this s**t up as they go along and yet they think they’ve got a leg to stand on, to ask Iran to stop arming the Houthis. It’s just mad.
They’ve said the Houthis must not be arms because their attacks on shipping is reckless. 1.6m people in Rafah, another £1bn in military aid for Israel to potentially drop on them, where else are they going to drop it after all? Oh yes, Israel missed a bit, oh look we’re still getting attack from Hamas in those places, we’d better get them again, I’m sure Americans must be delighted they are paying for all of this once again, Biden really does love blowing your cash on genocide doesn’t he? They’ve destroyed pretty much the whole of the rest of the Gaza Strip, now it has to be pounded into atoms, it’s certainly not the Houthis I’d consider reckless any more and for this claim to be coming from the US administration, well it is just sick at this point isn’t it?
The cynic in me wonders, given a report from Middle East Monitor is saying that the presence of Hamas battalions in Rafah have been ruled out, despite claims by Netanyahu that they are there, so perhaps they’re bottling a full assault on Rafah, but plan to continue by going back to other areas they’ve already struck? Keeps the war going which keeps Netanyahu in power, but we will see, perhaps his hard right coalition won’t accept withdrawal from Rafah, though until that happens I won’t believe it myself. It’s a thought though isn’t it?
Since the Houthis decided to ally themselves with the Gazan people and fight with them; since the instigation of their blockade in the Red Sea, they have attacked more than 50 ships, seized one and sunk another. Where possible, they have rescued crew and treated them well, though sadly in at least one instance crew were killed. It hasn’t been the Houthis aim, if it were, many more would have died and they wouldn’t be rescuing people but they have and they still do. We do know that their weaponry has increased too, from cheap drone strikes, they’ve since been given access to submarine drones, as well as cruise and ballistic missiles, undoubtedly from Iran, Iranian arms supplies have been intercepted by the US and allies as they’ve attempted to deliver them, so we know it is going on and certainly I’ve not seen any denials from Iran about that, but since arriving in Rafah the Houthis have announced that they plan to expand the scope of their attacks. As things have reached a more critical point in Gaza, so the Houthis are saying they will ratchet up their actions another notch and with bigger weaponry with better range, they are certainly threatening as much. Here’s an excerpt from USNI News, that being the United States Naval Institute, saying:
‘The Houthis will target any ship it believes is connected to a company supplying Israel and block it from passing through the Red Sea if Israel invades Rafah in the Gaza strip, its military spokesman announced via social media Friday.
The Houthi threat also includes targeting any ship heading to Israel that it can reach with its missiles and attack drones, including those approaching the country from the Mediterranean Sea, Houthi Brig. Gen. Yahya Sare’e said via a post on social media site X.
“If the Israeli enemy intends to launch an aggressive military operation against Rafah, the Yemeni Armed forces will impose comprehensive sanctions on all ships and companies that are related to supplying and entering the occupied Palestinian ports of any nationality and will prevent all ships of these companies from passing through the armed forces’ operation zone regardless of their destination,” Sare’e said in his post.’
So that’s the Houthi spokesperson, many people will be familiar with him by now from news clips, Yahya Sare’e and he’s implying that the Houthis now have the capability to reach targets arriving from the Mediterranean Sea. If true, then theoretically there is no safe docking in Israel at all and given Israeli trade is so heavily reliant on sea trade, being on such poor political terms with it’s neighbours because of it’s conduct, it’s occupation, it basically being a Western nation in effect, just in the wrong place and nothing quite sums that up than to remember that on today of all days, as Palestinians around the world mark the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, an event that continues to this day, the catastrophe as it translates to has never actually ended and 1.6m displaced people starving to death in Rafah waiting for the end as circumstances seem to be, nothing spells that out more than more images of that suffering today as it is every day, that this is a catastrophe that is very much ongoing, livestreamed daily as it still is.
Will Iran stop arming the US? Well I can’t find any source implying that they’ve thusfar dignified this request with a response, however the Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi made a statement on Tuesday where he basically the blood of the 15,000 martyred children in Gaza, the proportion of the death toll that are children, so many of those living in Gaza being under 18 after all – and despite attempts to whitewash those figures as we’ve seen lately as well - will spell end of Zionism. Doesn’t sound like they plan on helping Israel or anyone allied to them one iota. The power to end all of this is in the hands of the US. Instead they are going to keep coughing up money to keep it going and other nations in the Middle East will continue of course to resist that.
The US have of course already gone with begging bowl in hand to Iran already, much of their excuse making now a repeat of then and frankly they got short shrift for that too, the thought of Iranian retaliation on Israel made them rather nervous and so it should have done, all the details of that story in this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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