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Dr. Barry Awe – How the Human Body Repairs & Heals itself from Chronic Illness
Your body can repair itself from almost any disease. There is a point of no return but if you become conscious of the problem and address the problem early, the body will repair itself.
According to Dr. Barry Awe, all you need is a Surplus of Energy and a Hydrated Alkaline Environment.
A Surplus of Energy comes from eating Alkaline Foods like Leafy Greens – juiced is great and freshly juiced fruits and especially Lemon Water – first thing in the morning to flush the liver out as it working it’s ass of for you detoxifying while you were sleeping.
Lemons are acidic OUTSIDE the Body → BUT – once they touch the Mouth they immediately turn Alkaline. Lemons are EXCELLENT for your teeth, unlike 90 plus % of dentists will tell you.
The body must be kept hydrated, alkaline and toxin free.
If we are not getting proper nutrients from our food then the body will catabolize itself – start taking nutrients out of tissues, organs and bones.
You could be eating a lot of food and drinking a lot of liquids and this still can happen because your body is not receiving the nutrient from what you are eating and drinking.
It your body is toxic and acidic it will not be able to breakdown the nutrients from food, so it goes to catabolism.
Dr. Awe is promoting Kangen Water. Kangen Water is supposed to be produced by an Alkaline Ionizer from a company called Enagic.
The ONLY health guy I believe in 100% is Anthony William, aka – Medical Medium as he is the only person on the planet in which Spirit – “Spirit of Compassion” called the Finger of God actually Speaks to Anthony in an Audio Voice in which he hears it. Spirit of Compassion, SOC for short, began speaking to Anthony at age 4 when he diagnosed his grandmother with Lung Cancer and didn’t even know the meaning of the words.
Anyway, Anthony says that this water is not the best. The best is Juicing Celery and other juices like Lemon, Orange, Apple, Peach, Carrot, Ginger, and leafy greens like Kale, Spinach and Cilantro.
Anthony William says the Best Water System is the Berkey right now. I just bought my Berkey a couple months ago and you can tell the water is pure.
Hopefully the dark forces will not mess their filters, but they already are trying to force them to change their manufacturing, which total b.s.
I am uploading this video because I agree with much of what Dr. Awe has to say about healing, it’s just I don’t trust the “kangen water” and the best living Alkaline water is found by juicing.
I do agree with Dr. Awe when he says that if you are juicing the highest potential energy passed on to the consumer is the instant after the plant, fruit or vegetable is picked.
It just seems like every time someone discoveries something healthy our “health regulators” have to interfere because it is “best for humanity.”
Dr. Barry Awe tells his personal story of misery and suffering and how he changed it all around by completing changing his diet.
Dr. Barry Awe described the detoxification process and symptoms and it is exactly what I went through drinking the juices mentioned above.
In my opinion the best Water is LIVING Water that comes from fresh organic plant juices as mentioned above.
Lemon Juice and water (32 oz) when I wake up, Celery Juice about 30 minutes later, then I juice Halos or Oranges and Apples, then I do a mix of Lemon, Ginger and Water.
That is all living water. It is best to try and get the freshest available and if you can grow anything yourself, juice it within one hour after picking for the best benefits.
Our Food is Toxic and it is Burdening our Liver’s.
Raw Live Foods are the BEST.
According to the Book “Pottenger’s Cats – A Study in Nutrition” that is what is best for Cats also. Which as a ten year study comparing Raw Uncooked Food vs Cooked Food.
Francis Pottenger, Jr, MD, has given the cat world one of the best books available in the study of carnivore's nutrition.
Between the years of 1932 and 1942, he conducted a feeding experiment to determine the effects of heat-processed food on 900
All animals were subject to the same routine procedures. Each cat had its own clinical chart and notes were kept through his/her life. At the end of ten years, 600 out of 900 cats studied had complete, recorded health histories.
The cats fed a diet of 2/3 raw meat, 1/3 raw milk, and cod liver oil show striking uniformity in their sizes and their skeletal developments. >From generation to generation they maintain a regular, broad face with prominent malar (pertaining to the cheek or cheek bone) and orbital arches, adequate nasal cavities, broad dental arches, and regular dentition. The configuration of the female skull is different from the male skull, and each sex maintains his/her distinct anatomical features. The membranes are firm and of good, pink color with no evidence of infection or degenerative change.
Tissue tone is excellent, and the fur is of good quality with very little shedding noted. In the older cats, particularly the males, engaging in fighting, the incisors are often missing, but inflammation and disease of the gums is seldom seen.
The calcium and phosphorus content of their femurs remains consistent, and their internal organs show full development and normal function. Over their life spans, they prove resistant to infections, to fleas, and to various other parasites, and show no signs of allergies. In general, they are gregarious, friendly, and predictable in their behavior patterns, and when thrown or dropped as much as six feet to test their coordination, they always land on their feet and come back for more play. These cats reproduce one homogeneous generation after another with the average weight of the kittens at birth being 119 grams. Miscarriages are rare, and the litters average five kittens with the mother cat nursing her young without difficulty.
The cats fed a diet of 2/3 cooked meat, 1/3 raw milk, and cod liver oil reproduce a heterogeneous strain of kittens, each kitten in a litter being different in size and skeletal pattern.
When comparing the changes in configuration found in their x-rays, there are almost as many variations in the facial and dental structures of the second and third generation cooked-meat fed animals as there are animals.
Evidence of deficiencies is written so plainly on their faces that with a little training, any observer can be almost certain that a given cat has been subjected to a deficient diet or that it comes from a line of cats that has suffered from deficient nutrition.
The long bones of cooked-meat cats tend to increase in length and decrease in diameter with the hind legs commonly increasing in length over the forelegs.
The trabeculation (the internal structural mesh of the bones) becomes coarser and shows evidence of less calcium. In the third generation, some of the bones become as soft as rubber, and a true condition of osteogenesis imperfecta (the inherited condition in which bones are abnormally brittle and subject to fractures) is present.
Heart problems; nearsightedness and farsightedness; under activity of the thyroid or inflammation of the thyroid gland; infections of the kidney, of the liver, of the testes, of the ovaries, and of the bladder; arthritis and inflammation of the joints; inflammation of the nervous system with paralysis and meningitis—all occur commonly in these cooked-meat-fed cats. A decrease in visceral volume is evidenced by the diminishing size of their thoracic and abdominal cavities. Frank infections of the bone appear regularly and often appear to be the case of death.
By the time the third deficient generation is born, the cats are so physiologically bankrupt that none survive beyond the sixth month of life, thereby terminating the strain. A study of the microscopic sections of the lungs of second and third generation deficient cats show abnormal respiratory tissues.
The lungs show hyperemia, some edema and partial atelectasis (incomplete expansion of lungs at birth), while the most deficient show bronchitis and pneumonitis (localized acute inflammation of the lungs without toxemia). In several cases, a hypothyroid condition exists with the thyroid gland showing scanty colloid and small acini (plural of acinus—one of the small sacs in a gland lining with secreting cells), again not observable in raw-meat-fed cats. Cooked-meat-fed cats show much more irritability.
Some females are even dangerous to handle and three are named Tiger, Cobra, and Rattlesnake because of their proclivity for biting and scratching.
The males, on the other hand, are more docile, often to the point of being unaggressive, and their sex interest is slack or perverted. In essence, there is evidence of a role reversal with the female cats becoming the aggressors and the male cats becoming passive as well as evidence of increasing abnormal activities between the same sexes.
Such sexual deviations are not observed among the raw food cats. Vermin and intestinal parasites abound.
Skin lesions and allergies appear frequently and are progressively worse from one generation to the next.
Pneumonia and empyema (accumulation of pus in a cavity of the body, especially the chest) are among the principal causes of death in adult cats while diarrhea followed by pneumonia takes a heavy toll on the kittens.
At autopsy, cooked-meat-fed females frequently present ovarian atrophy and uterine congestion, and the males often show failure in the development of active spermatogenesis (process of formation of spermatazoa). (Spermatazoa (plural of Spermatazoon--male germ cells.)
Abortion in pregnant females is common, running about 25 percent in the first deficient generation to about 70 percent in the second generation. Deliveries are generally difficult with many females dying in labor.
The mortality rate of the kittens also is high as the kittens are either born dead or are born too frail to nurse. Following delivery, a few mother cats steadily decline in health only to die from some obscure physiological exhaustion in about three months. Other cats show increasing difficulty with their pregnancies, and in many instances, fail to become pregnant.
The average weight of the kittens born of cooked-meat-fed mothers is 100 grams, 19 grams less than the raw meat nurtured kittens. REGENERATING CATS When cats of the first and second generation cooked-meat-fed groups are returned to a raw meat diet, they are classified as regenerating animals of the first and second orders. Their progeny are then maintained on an optimum diet to measure the time needed to rebuild their health to that of the normal cats. It requires approximately four generations for either order to regenerate to a state of normal health.
However, because of the lack of reproductive efficiency, very few deficient animals regain the normal health noted before deficiency was imposed on their line of cats. Improvement in resistance to disease is noted in the second generation regenerating cat, but allergic manifestations persist into the third generation.
In the third generation, skeletal and soft tissue changes are still noticeable, but to a lesser degree; and by the fourth, most of the severe deficiency signs and symptoms disappear—but seldom completely.
One of the experiment's more startling discoveries is that once a female cat is subjected to a deficient diet for a period of 12 to 18 months, her reproductive efficiency is so reduced that she is never again able to give birth to normal kittens.
Even after three or four years of eating an optimum diet, her kittens still show signs of deficiency in skeletal and dental development. When her kittens are maintained on an optimum diet, a gradual reversal and regeneration takes place.
Cooked Meat provides no true energy. It is Dead Meat. It is dead for the body. Useless.
It took 3 Generations to breed back out those toxins.
GMO Food is toxic.
Organic Food is real food.
The stuff we buy from a regular store, has very little energetic benefit.
Stupidity is doing the same over and over and expecting different results.
We are going to the doctor over and over again – but yet we expect that one of those times will produce a different result.
We continual to purchase horrible, toxic foods and we still think they are “healthy.”
The only way to fix stupid is to realize you are being stupid. Once you realize you are stupid, then you can work on it.
The USA is most unhealthy Nation on Earth, we buy the most Drugs out of any nation in the world.
Do drugs make you healthy?
Do we have “Chemical” Deficiencies?
NO. All these drugs are poisonous to the body.
Look at the Side Effects on tv that most have been Desensitized to. They run them constantly and they do tell us how toxic they are, they flat out tell us of the side effects, but people are so stupid they just ignore the most important part of the commercial.
Whenever you eat you should ask yourself two questions:
1. Is the food helping your body be Acidic or Alkaline?
If you don’t know do some simple Google searches or see the two links in #2 just below.
2. Is the food you are eating feeding pathogens, killing pathogens or is it neutral?
To find out what pathogens eat and what foods are bad you can visit my blog about Anthony William here → “What Not to Eat – BAD Foods →
OR you can visit Anthony William – Medical Medium’s Website here → “Foods to Avoid for Healing Chronic Illness →
1. Kangen Water Testimonies --
2. Lemon Water 101 --
3. “What Not to Eat – BAD Foods →
4. “Foods to Avoid for Healing Chronic Illness →
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TRUE LEAF MARKET → Spring is here! Time to get your seeds and supplies.
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Thank You!!
END. 5/23/2024 – 9:00 PM
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