"Adorable Boy VS Toy Lawn Mower"

6 years ago

"We all love having a wonderful yard. And of course, the most important part of it is the lawn. It has to be neatly mowed, and the adorable little boy in this video has decided to help his parents out. Everyone was outside, doing their yard work, when this cute boy decided to join them. When it was time to mow the lawn, he offered his services and gloriously failed. What a sight! He brought his own equipment to the lawn and started mowing it. Everything seemed great until he began to run and tripped. Oh, no! He fell on top of the toy, and his mowing for the day was done. Luckily, he didn’t get hurt. But, let’s face it. Better to sit safely on the porch and play with toys, while the grow-ups do the work. His parents certainly wouldn’t mind. What a funny video! I can’t stop replaying it, and neither will you!"

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