Wife Adopts Puppy Months Before Military Husband Comes Back

6 years ago

Remember when you got home from work one day, and a puppy was waiting for you at the door? Yeah, we neither, but we sure as heck believe that we would react just as this soldier did. Only his puppy is real. And he gets to keep it. Everyone loves surprises, but when the shock is a living, breathing creature, it somehow gives more value. Watch this heartwarming video and see the heart-melting reaction of this soldier when he realizes he receives a new puppy for an even better homecoming.

These people received two emails from a soldier finishing a tour in Afghanistan and his wife back here in the states wanting a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. She asked them if they would tell the sergeant that all the puppies were spoken for so she could surprise him when he returned from the war. They agreed because who doesn't LOVE surprises! They hated to disappoint him at the time, but they knew how happy he was going to be shortly. After months of preparation and a wife that can keep a good secret, this is the meeting between a cute 8-week-old puppy and his deserving owner. Welcome home Chris and thank you for your service!

Let’s face it, pets are hard! Especially when they are young and tiny, they need constant companionship from a mother figure, or they will whine and cry and bark, driving you mad! But when they grow up with you, they will remember how much you took care of them, and they will love and respect you to the end of their days.

Soldiers are the pride of each country. Soldiers defend the dignity and the respect of their country with their life and blood. He needs to rise above his self to guard his country. To be a soldier you must be trained, steadfast, trustworthy, and to have a fellowship. Their precedent fills in like a guiding light to other people who are agreeable and weak. Their lives are a wellspring of motivation to the adolescent of the country. They serve the country to the best of their capacity.

And what better to greet them back to their homes with lots of love and a loving puppy who will love them and show them the appreciation for all that have done! So much love, so much happiness! These are the videos that bring tears of joy into our eyes!

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