Meteora - suspended in the air

9 months ago

Metéora is group of Orthodox Christian monasteries on the summits of vertical rock formations in Thessalía, Greece. The monasteries are located just north of the small town of Kalambáka, south of the village of Kastraki, and east of the Pindus Mountains in the valley of the Pineiós River. The name "Meteora" was derived from a Greek contraction meaning “suspended in the air.”
Although by the 15th century there were 24 monasteries functioning, each containing a church or two and monks’ cells, only 6 remain:
- Great Metéoron
- Varlaám (Áyioi Pándes)
- Roussanou
- St. Nikolas (Áyios Nikolaos)
- Holy Trinity (Áyia Triada)
- St. Stephen (Áyios Stéfanos)
Some still serve a religious function, though they are now only sparsely populated by monks and nuns. Since the construction of paved roads through the area in the 1960s, it has been visited annually by thousands of tourists and pilgrims.
The Monastery of Agia Triada, which means Holy Trinity features in the final scenes of a James Bond film, called "For Your Eyes Only".

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