One Last Wish

4 months ago

(Written by Ben Antoniadis)

Ben Antoniadis - vocals, acoustic guitar
Kambiz Kashef - electric lead guitar

One last wish etched upon a starlit list
Light kisses my cheek as I leap into the abyss
With open arms I fall through her waiting embrace
Through her body like air as she vanishes without a trace

One last wish tattooed upon this ravaged skin
Upon flesh still scarred by imaginary sin
For a life carved out by its own design
Where my thoughts may be yours but my love is mine

One last wish engraved upon an ancient stone
Where descendants of the past bury its bones
Yet its spirit will rise, its ghost will haunt their lives
And decay the ever-present as love yearns to survive

One last wish before all-knowing grace
How and where do I address this love which bears no face?
Maybe a prayer to the heavens above the fire down below
Till the beat of each heart stops, nobody knows

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