X22 Report-3353-Script Will Be Flipped On Biden-Freedom Summer,Trump Will Win At Dawn-Ad Free!

20 days ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3353a - [CB] Now Trapped In Their Economic Narrative, Script Will Be Flipped On Biden/[CB]

The [WEF]/[DS] are pushing everything they have to convince the people that there is a climate emergency, the problem is they do not control the narrative and nobody is believing them. The economy is in a recession, the [CB]/[Biden] admin can manipulate the stats all they want it won't work, the script is about to be flipped.

Ep 3353b - [DS] Ready To Go Against The Will Of The People,Freedom Summer,Trump Will Win At Dawn

 The [DS] is preparing to go against the will of the people. They have started the process of cheating and they are trying to build the narrative. Trump and the people are countering their narrative. The people are with Trump and the election will be to big to rig, so what will the [DS] do. Most likely try to damage their own systems to delay the vote. This will fail, this summer is the summer of freedom. At dawn Trump will win and the people will win. 
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